
  • 网络ASHI;I'm a dreamer;Shellsea
  1. 阿喜是一个不完美的虚拟人物。

    Angie is an imperfect virtual personality .

  2. 在这段上传到抖音的视频中,阿喜的皮肤看上去不太平滑。

    In the video , uploaded to Douyin , Angie 's skin looks bumpy teeth .

  3. 典型的网红可能会迅速在评论区回应,但是阿喜不是一个典型的网红,她甚至不是一个真人。

    Typical influencers might clap back with a comment , but Angie is not a typical influencer -- she 's not even a real person .

  4. 她可能也符合美女标准,但是和中国其他的虚拟网红不同,阿喜不穿名牌服装出镜,不走T台,也不宣传新歌。

    She may still be conventionally pretty , but unlike China 's other virtual influencers , Angie doesn 't pose in designer clothes , walk the runway or promote new songs .

  5. 阿喜于2020年7月初具雏形,三个月后Jesse在抖音上发布了阿喜的第一个视频。

    Angie started taking shape in July 2020 , and within three months Zhang had posted his character 's first video to Douyin .

  6. 同年12月,阿喜已经斩获近10万粉丝。

    By December , she had already gained around 100000 fans .

  7. 对阿喜外貌的批评反映出国内当前对审美标准的讨论。

    Criticisms of Angie 's appearance reflect ongoing debates over beauty standards in China .

  8. 她说:“我认为,许多观众都在阿喜身上看到了自己。”

    She said . " I think for many viewers , they see themselves . "

  9. 而张翎的中文小说《阿喜上学》于2010年在中国发表。

    Zhang Ling 's Chinese novel Ah Xi Goes to School was published in2010 in China .

  10. 阿喜的设计者杰西·张是深圳一家三维电脑动画公司的导演。

    Angie is the creation of Jesse Zhang , the director of a Shenzhen-based CGI animation company .

  11. 一些粉丝称赞阿喜可以让自己开心起来,或者帮助他们缓解生活困境中的压力。

    Some fans have credited Angie with cheering them up or helping them de-stress amid life 's predicaments .

  12. 郑在熙指出,正是像阿喜这样不完美的虚拟人物更能引发许多中国女性的共鸣。

    As such , an imperfect virtual character like Angie is , Jung suggested , more relatable for many Chinese girls and women .

  13. 尽管知道阿喜不是真人,许多粉丝还是在两个抖音聊天群里和阿喜热切地分享自己的日常生活。

    Despite knowing she 's not real , many of Angie 's followers eagerly tell her about their day in two group chats on Douyin .

  14. 在阿喜喝可口可乐的一个视频下,一名用户问道,为什么不把阿喜设计成“双眼皮”?

    Underneath one video , in which Angie is seen sipping Coca-Cola , one user asked why she wasn 't created with " double eyelids . "

  15. 张织云,原名张阿善(阿喜),广东番禺(今广州)人,三岁丧父,幼年随母移居上海,中国第一代女明星之一,中国第一位“影后”。

    Zhang Zhiyun was born in Zhang Ahshan ( Ahxi ) a village of Panyu in Guangdong , now a city of Guangzhou . She was three when her father died and moved to Shanghai with her mother . She was one of China 's first generation actresses and the first Chinese film empress .