
  • 网络Arab music;Arabic music;Arabian music
  1. 这支乐团擅长演奏古典东方音乐和阿拉伯音乐作品和歌曲。

    The band specializes in playing classical music and Eastern Arab music and songs .

  2. 在以色列,阿拉伯音乐被当作新闻,而不是艺术。

    In Israel , Arab music is treated as news but not as art .

  3. 弗拉明科起源于阿拉伯音乐。

    Flamenco has its roots in Arabic music .

  4. 阿拉伯音乐对维吾尔民族音乐的影响。

    The influence of Arabian music on Uygur traditional music .

  5. 我国维吾尔族民族民间音乐中使用波斯-阿拉伯音乐体系之源流探析

    The Origin and Development of Persian-Arabian Musical Systems Absorbed in the Uygur Traditional Music

  6. 返回杜拜之前,聆赏阿拉伯音乐和欣赏阿拉伯肚皮舞娘的表演吧。

    Before returning to Dubai , enjoy Arabic music and Arabian belly dancers ( belly dance ) .

  7. 在埃及开罗,将专门为粮农组织及其与饥饿开展的斗争举行为期10天的阿拉伯音乐节,其他活动还包括集资宴会、研讨会和重要展览。

    In Egypt , a10-day Arab Music Festival dedicated to FAO and its fight against hunger , a fund-raising gala dinner , seminars and major exhibits will take place in Cairo .

  8. 字里行间读《集成》&评宏伟卷册《中国民族民间音乐集成》我国维吾尔族民族民间音乐中使用波斯-阿拉伯音乐体系之源流探析

    Reading Between the Lines : Reflection on the Massive Anthology of the National and Folk Musk of the Chinese Peoples The Origin and Development of Persian-Arabian Musical Systems Absorbed in the Uygur Traditional Music

  9. 维吾尔木卡姆音乐与波斯阿拉伯玛卡姆音乐各有其特点,不能混为一谈。

    Uygur Muqam and Arabic Muqam in Persia have their own characteristics and can not be lumped together .

  10. 通过对印度、日本、阿拉伯及中国传统音乐的介绍使我们了解到以旋律型紧紧约束旋律的倾相普遍存在,这对我们学习和研究东方乃至世界音乐的相同及相异性是一个参考。

    By introduction to Indian , Japanese , Arabian and Chinese traditional music , we understand that the melodic types exists universally , which is a reference to our study of and world music .