
  • 网络Accessory;augmented product
  1. 该公司为游戏机游戏【比如其劲爆美式橄榄球系列(MaddenNFL)游戏】提供数字化虚拟商品及附加商品。

    The company offers digital goods and add-ons for console titles , like its Madden NFL franchise .

  2. 边境贸易以低附加值商品和易货贸易为主;

    Frontier trade is centered on the low-cost consumable supplies and consignation trade .

  3. 如今两个公司在各自国内,都将重点转向产品设计和高附加值商品生产上。

    At home they now concentrate on the design and manufacture of high-added-value products .

  4. 二是提高抗艾滋病药物等高技术含量、高附加值商品的出口退税率。

    Export tax rebate rate on high-tech and high value-added products such as anti-AIDS drug is raised .

  5. 此举是巴西对亚洲销售更多高附加值商品计划的第一步。

    The move is the first stage in a plan to sell more value-added goods to Asia .

  6. 全球衰退表明,中国不再能够依赖向负债累累的西方消费者出售低附加值商品来发展经济。

    The global recession showed China can no longer rely on selling low-value-added goods to heavily-indebted western consumers .

  7. 农业生产已从生产品种有限的粮食和低附加值商品转变为高附加值产品生产。

    Agricultural production has changed from generating a narrow range of food and low-value grain commodities to high-value products .

  8. 再采用脉冲响应函数的方法,分析了金融发展规模、效率和结构对低、中、高三种不同附加值商品出口的影响。

    Then we analyze the influence of financial development scale , efficiency and structure to three kinds of different value-added goods exports by the method of impulse response function .

  9. 第三章以新贸易理论为理论基础,从金融发展规模、效率和结构视角阐述了其对不同技术附加值商品出口的影响机制。

    Chapter three expounds the influencing mechanism of different technology value-added goods exports from the perspective of financial development scale , efficiency and structure based on the theory of new trade theory .

  10. 大体上讲,高附加值商品的生产可能仍将集中在老牌制造业中心,以利用当地更完善的经销网络、供应链和技术熟练的工人。

    By and large , the production of higher-value-added goods is likely to remain concentrated in well-established manufacturing hubs to take advantage of better distribution networks , supply chains and access to skilled labour .

  11. 对创意设计产品从无形到有形,从无价值到有价值,最后达到高附加价值商品进行可行性研究,得出值得参考的结论。

    To the creativity design product from invisible to the visibility , to has the value from the insignificance , finally achieves the high value added commodity to conduct the feasibility study , draws conclusion which is worth referring .

  12. 这是普通商品还是高附加值的商品?

    Is it commodity or high value or somewhere in between ?

  13. 经济危机促使很多制造商生产出高附加值的商品。

    The economic crisis pushed many manufacturers to produce commodities with high added-value .

  14. 论包装附加值与商品价格弹性

    On Package Added Value and the Fluctuation of Commodities

  15. 报告指出,最不发达国家必须通过扩大投资和创新,来发展生产越来越多具有更高附加值的商品和服务的能力。

    The report says the Least Developed Countries must develop their abilities to produce an increasing range of higher value-added goods and services through expanding investment and innovation .

  16. 从整个出口结构上看,技术含量高,附加值大的商品出口明显增多。

    From whole export the structure to see up , the technique content is high , the affixture is worth the big merchandise exit to increase obviously .

  17. 最美好的期望是,它们能为附加值更高的商品和服务所取代,为能够吸引大大小小的企业进行投资的教育和基础设施所取代。

    The best hope is to replace them with higher value-added goods and services , and with education and infrastructure that draws investment by companies big and small .