
  • 网络Stranger society;a society of strangers;Gesellshaft
  1. 陌生人社会的出路&三鹿毒奶粉事件引发的法律思考

    Outlet of Stranger Society & Reflections on Incident of Sanlu Poisonous Milk Powder

  2. 怀疑主义哲学对陌生人社会普遍怀疑所作出的揭示,为契约型信任关系的确立提供了制度设计和制度安排的思想前提;

    Revealing of the universal suspicion to " the Stranger Society " by Skepticism philosophy provides the i-dea premise of system design and arrangement for the establishment of the contract - model trust relationship ;

  3. 陌生人社会的形成,有两方面的背景。

    The strangers ' society has come with its historic background .

  4. 从西方移植过来的刑事和解制度,在很大程度上主要适用于城市社会、工商社会和陌生人社会。

    Come from western transplantation victim-offender-reconciliation system , to a great extent , mainly used in the urban social , industry and commerce , social and strangers society .

  5. 礼俗不适宜陌生人社会规范,对于超越身体直接互动的现代市场经济化的社会,更大普适性的法治才是更有效的治理方法。

    Custom is not suitable for strangers to social norms , to transcend the physical direct interaction with the modern market economy society , more large adaptive law is more effective management method .

  6. 社会转型时期是由道德文明秩序向法律文明秩序的过度时期,且随着城市化进程的加快,陌生人社会和半熟人社会正日益侵蚀熟人社会的领域,因此调解的运行空间必定会日益限缩。

    And with the acceleration of the urbanization , society of strangers and the semi-acquaintance society is eroding the acquaintance society day-by-day . Meanwhile , the operating space of mediation system would be narrowed .

  7. 而在陌生人社会,一方面,熟人圈子的失去与否对于一般人来说,基本没有多大影响,这使其可以无多少顾忌地去选择解纷方式;

    However , in the stranger-society , on one hand , it seems unimportant for the two parties to lose their circle of old acquaintance , so they are free to choose the way of dispute settlement ;

  8. 目前我国正处于从熟人社会向陌生人社会过渡中,证据意识也不例外的也处于从熟人社会向陌生人社会的发展过程中。

    Our country is in carrying out the transition from acquaintance 's society to stranger 's society at present , what evidence consciousness is not arranged outside either is among the evolution of stranger 's society too .

  9. 她从未向陌生人或社会福利机构寻求过帮助。

    Never has she sought help from strangers or social welfare .

  10. 这项研究结果表明,人们可以基于简短的言语模式界定一个人的收入、教育和职业,从而准确判断一个陌生人的社会经济地位。

    The findings demonstrate that people can accurately assess a stranger 's socio-economic position , defined by their income , education , and occupation status , based on brief speech patterns .

  11. 在陌生人和地域社会之间呈现出了复杂的互动关系。第四部分为结论与讨论部分。

    Between the stranger and the regional community has shown a complex interaction , he fourth part is the conclusion and discussion section .