
bì xià
  • Your Majesty;His Majesty;His (Her) Majesty;sire
陛下 [bì xià]
  • [Your Majesty;His (Her) Majesty] 对君主的尊称

  • 愿陛下亲之信之。--诸葛亮《出师表》

  • 不得永奉陛下。--宋. 王谠《唐语林.雅量》

  • 窃为陛下惜之。--汉. 贾谊《论积贮疏》

陛下[bì xià]
  1. 我十分赞成,陛下。

    I quite agree , Your Majesty

  2. 阿姆拉姆:告辞,陛下。(他退后。)(幕布)

    Amram : Good day , your Majesty .( He backs away ).( Curtain )

  3. 女王陛下随后出席了午宴,以表示对校长的尊重。

    Her Majesty later honoured the Headmaster with her presence at lunch

  4. 女王陛下巡视完这家医院后,为纪念匾揭了幕。

    After touring the hospital , Her Majesty unveiled a commemorative plaque .

  5. 总统在白宫接见了教皇陛下。

    The President received His Holiness at the White House .

  6. 国王陛下要在皇宫召见你。

    His Majesty requests your presence in the royal chambers

  7. 女王陛下对大多数事情都有明确的观点。

    Her Royal Highness has definite views about most things

  8. 枯燥的日常政务都由女王陛下的政府行政部门来处理。

    The daily grind of government is done by Her Majesty 's Civil Service

  9. 她成为了英国女王陛下驻黎巴嫩共和国的新任全权大使。

    She became Her Britannic Majesty 's new ambassador plenipotentiary to the Republic of Lebanon

  10. 国王和王后陛下赐给我们每人一只小银匙,以欢迎我们的到来。

    Their Majesties celebrated our arrival by giving us each a little silver spoon .

  11. 今天上午晚些时候首相将会觐见女王陛下。

    The Prime Minister will seek an audience with the Queen later this morning .

  12. 女王陛下授勋给行将离任的首相。

    Her majesty awarded a distinction to the retiring prime minister .

  13. 阿姆拉姆:这是真的,陛下。

    Amram : It is true , your Majesty .

  14. 阿姆拉姆:那您为什么不来我们国家拜访下他呢,陛下?

    Amram : Then why don 't you come to our country and pay him a visit , your Majest ?

  15. 阿姆拉姆:他是一个好国王,陛下,一个善良的人。他的人民都爱他。

    Amram : He is a good king , your Majesty , and a kind man . All his people love him .

  16. “陛下”,烘培师告诉国王,“我能让这根线变短,但不抹去它的任何一部分。”

    Your Majesty , " the baker said to the king , I can make your line shorter without erasing any part of it . "

  17. 扎哈拉:我非常喜欢它。而且对于一位女王来说,这颜色非常好,陛下。(她把那丝绸叠起来放在一旁。)

    Zahrah : I like it very much , and it is a good color for a queen , your Majesty .( She folds up the silk and puts it to one side .)

  18. 阿姆拉姆(骄傲):是的,陛下。强大的所罗门王停下来听沙子里的小蚂蚁在说什么。他绕着路走让它们不受伤害。

    Amram ( Proud ): Yes , your Majesty . The mighty King Solomon stopped to hear what the little ants in the sand were saying . He turned off the road to save them from being hurt .

  19. 阿姆拉姆:陛下能摸摸这块丝绸吗?看看它有多细,多柔软!(阿姆拉姆走近女王,拿出紫色的丝绸,她摸了摸。)

    Amram : Would your Majesty be good enough to feel this silk ? See how fine and soft it is ! ( Amram comes a little closer to the Queen and holds out some purple silk , She feels it .)

  20. 士兵们宣誓效忠于女王陛下。

    The soldiers swore to pay their homage to the Queen .

  21. 我们恳请陛下发发慈悲。

    We humbly beg Your Majesty to show mercy .

  22. 在007扮演者丹尼尔克雷格和女王一起拍摄的《007短片》中,蒙蒂和另外两只柯基犬Holly,Willow一起,从楼梯上跑下来迎接007先生,并陪他一起去觐见女王陛下。

    Monty had a starring role in the Bond skit performed by the Queen and actor Daniel Craig when he , along with corgis Holly and Willow , ran down the stairs to greet Craig and escort him to meet the Queen .

  23. 一名极右翼国民阵线(FN)议员在推特上称奥朗德为“陛下”,而其他用户则在总统的照片上叠加了黑人式爆炸头、鲻鱼头等发型,来“帮他的理发师挣薪水”。

    A lawmaker with the far-right National Front ( FN ) referred to Hollande as " his majesty " on Twitter , while other users superimposed afros , mullets and other hairstyles on pictures of the president , to " help his hairdresser earn his salary . "

  24. 要再让陛下同意开路的事会相当困难。

    His excellency is being very difficult about the road again .

  25. 我是泰佛上尉,负责女皇陛下的保安。

    I 'm captain Typho of her majesty 's security service .

  26. 我可不是个好骑手,陛下。

    I 'm not a very good rider , Your Majesty .

  27. 陛下,问题在于债务非常严重。

    The problem of the debt is grave , your majesty .

  28. 但女皇陛下让我担任参议员的时候。

    But when the queen asked me to serve as senator .

  29. 但陛下若再继续纵容他们。

    But if your majesty continues to dance to their tune .

  30. 您的女儿?陛下,请告诉我她在什么地方!

    Your daughter ? Tell me where she is , majesty !