
  • 网络Humidor;Cigar Box;Humidors
  1. 看上去我得给他找个雪茄盒。

    Looks like I 'll be finding him a humidor .

  2. 其橡木香夹杂了香草味和雪茄盒香味。

    The mixture of vanilla oak and cigar box aroma .

  3. 我打赌他用他们来作为雪茄盒的标记。

    I bet he uses them to logo his cigar boxes .

  4. 香烟或雪茄盒[铅晶质玻璃或其他玻璃制]

    Cigarette or cigar box [ of lead crystal or other glass ]

  5. 我继续在家中练习。我开始耍雪茄盒、刀和火把。

    I began to think about becoming a professional .

  6. 龟甲制香烟盒或雪茄盒

    Cigar or cigarette case , of tortoise shell

  7. 那房子后边藏着私人的雪茄盒。

    There are private humidors in the back .

  8. 这个雪茄盒我也记得。

    And I remember that cigar case .

  9. 我从我父亲和邻居那里搜集到有香味的、彩色的木制雪茄盒。

    From my father and neighbors I collected wooden cigar boxes , fragrant and colorfully illustrated .

  10. 黑醋栗的果香与黑樱桃、黑加仑子及雪茄盒的芳香十分馥郁。

    Exuberant cassis fruit on the nose , with black cherry , blackcurrant and cigar box notes .

  11. 口感有浓郁的黑醋栗和雪茄盒,香料,以及甘草等复杂感觉,余韵悠长。

    It offers cassis and cigar box flavors along with hints of spice and liquorice lead to lingering finish .

  12. 香:些许的雪茄盒味,并伴有成熟黑莓的气味及带有异国情调的香料气息。

    AROMA : Nuances of cigar box and cedar complemented by ripe blackberry current and exotic spice notes and spice .

  13. 小艾丽丝养宠物金丝雀死了,她感到非常伤心。为了缓解这个突然的打击,她的父亲给了她一个雪茄盒给小鸟做棺材,并帮忙把金丝雀埋在后院。

    Little Alice was heartbroken when her pet canary ( 1 ) died , and to soften the blow , her father gave her a cigar box for a coffin and assisted in burying the canary in the back yard .

  14. 口感有迷人的成熟黑樱桃味,有甜蜜果汁和草药的特点,伴有巧克力、奶油、雪茄橡木盒感觉,单宁优质而持久。

    Taste with an attractive ripe black cherry , with sweet fruit juice and herbal characteristics , accompanied by chocolate , butter , oak , cigar box feel , quality and long-lasting tannins .