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  • annals of history
青史 [qīng shǐ]
  • [annals of history] 古时用竹简记事,所以后人称史籍为青史

  • 青史留名

  • 永垂青史

青史[qīng shǐ]
  1. 显而易见,这个名不见经传的女孩想留名青史。

    The girl from nowhere clearly means to carve herself a place in history .

  2. 他将会作为史上最伟大的板球投手之一而留名青史。

    His name will live in history as one of the greatest bowlers of all time

  3. 她真可以说是名留青史啊。

    She really has left her name in the history book .

  4. 你如果想名留青史,我不管。

    If you want to leave your name on something , fine .

  5. 我根本不希望留名青史。

    I don 't want to be remembered at all .

  6. 多少先辈志士,无畏抒壮举,青史留功绩。

    The number of ancestors patriots , fearless express feat legacy remain merit .

  7. 创作空前繁荣,名篇彪炳青史;

    Creates the unprecedented prosperity , masterpiece splendid history ;

  8. 为了重振蒙古民族英勇、坚韧的民族精神,《青史演义》由此应运而生了。

    In order to arouse national spirit of Mongolians the Romance was created .

  9. 他的为人诚实将使他留名青史。

    Thing for which he will be remembered by history is his honesty .

  10. 纵然青史已经成灰,我爱不灭。

    Even if history goes up in ashe , my love never ever dies .

  11. 结论部分总结《青史演义电子词典》形容词部分构建过程及其相关的一些语言学问题研究的同时,简要谈及在词典编撰相关的后续研究中应该考虑的一些问题。

    The conclusion concludes the process of the construction and some problems related to the subsequent research .

  12. 斯巴达国王雷奥尼达:牢记今天,兄弟们,这将名留青史。

    Spartan King Leonidas : Remember this day , men , for it will be yours for all time .

  13. 据说希律王是为了名留青史才接下这些巨大的工程。

    It is said that Herod took on such big projects because he wanted his name to be remembered forever .

  14. 他是否能作为一个伟大的领袖人物而在美国留名青史,人们还将拭目以待。

    Quite whether he will go down in the annals of American history as a great leader remains to be seen .

  15. 亚努科维奇认为,乌克兰如果同欧洲的关系更亲近,将会使他本人名留青史,并能改写自己的历史。

    And Mr Yanukovych believes that taking Ukraine closer to Europe would earn him a place in history and redeem his past .

  16. 因此,印度应该采取这项计划,在让许多国家可以获得廉价仿制药方面留名青史。

    Therefore , India should undertake this initiative , given its own track record in making cheap generics available to many countries .

  17. 但是这一切终究会清晰起来,根据它们以及作家所具备的“魔法”本领之大小,他将留名青史或是被人遗忘。

    but eventually they are quite clear and by these and the degree of alchemy that he possesses he will endure or be forgotten .

  18. 我认为我可以在社区里帮助那些需要帮助的人,可能不会留垂青史,但至少在一些人心中占有了一定的位置。

    Let me see . I think I can make an impact in our local community by helping those people around us when we can .

  19. 迄今为止,有很多“名留青史”的军队:比如说,蒙古军队,自1206年起就凭借着百万雄师在欧亚大陆上所向披靡;

    Some of the more notable forces over time were the Mongol Army , 1 million strong , which conquered most of Eurasia starting in 1206 ;

  20. 第一章:尹湛纳希《青史演义》女性形象与蒙古族传统女性形象比较研究;

    Chapter I : a comparative study on the images of women in The Romance of the Qing Dynasty and the images of the traditional Mongolian women .

  21. 这种观点已被历史所证实,因为名留青史的人都是那些为他人利益做出巨大贡献的人。

    This point of view has been proved by history ; for history remembers best those who have contributed mostly richly to the interests of their fellowmen .

  22. 浅谈《青史演义》对儒家思想的吸收与借鉴《青史演义》是蒙古族文学史上一部最著名的长篇小说。

    Discussion Absorption and Reference of the Confucianism by The Story of Qing Dynasty History Historic Romance of Qing Dynasty is one of best novels of Mongolian literature .

  23. 即《青史演义》与蒙古族传统史传文学之间具有继承发展关系,并与汉民族文学、文化之间存在借鉴创新关系。

    That is , the " Qing shi Historical Novel " has the inherit-development relationship with Mongolian traditional literature , and it has the reference-creation relationship with Han literature .

  24. 《青史演义》的成就,其实质是对蒙古史传传统进行的选择和重构,是对古代蒙古族史传作品所兼有的文学价值的进一步发扬光大。

    The nature of the achievement of " Qing shi Historical Novel " is a new choice and reconstruction of the traditional Mongolian History and a promotion of the literature value of ancient Mongolian History .

  25. 蒙古史传文学从蒙元帝国的史料内容到散原结合的叙述形式和编年体例,以及注重实录,追求宏幅的创作精神等方面对《青史演义》产生了直接的影响。

    With the historical content of the Mongolia Empire and the narrative form and annalistic style , emphasizing the practical record and pursuing magnificent length , Mongolian historical literature affected " Qing shi Historical Novel " directly .

  26. 激起过一代人畅想的,独一无二的,永载青史的这架航天飞机最后一次驶入航空站,为旅程画上句号。

    Having fired the imagination of a generation , a ship like no other , its place in history secured , the space shuttle pulls into port for the last time , its voyage at an end .

  27. 浅谈《蒙古秘史》中的婚姻状况论成吉思汗形象的传播和接受&以《蒙古秘史》、《元史》和《青史演义》为例

    A Trial Talk about Martial Status of the Secret History of the Mongolians ON GENGHIS KHAN 'S IMAGE 'S SPREAD AND EMBRACE & Centered on Mongolian Secret History , History of the Yuan Dynasty and Qing Shi Yan Yi

  28. 这条路是勇于承担风险者之路,是实干家、创造者之路,这其中有一些人名留青史,但是更多的人却在默默无闻地工作着。正是这些人带领我们走过了漫长崎岖的旅行,带领我们走向富强和自由。

    Rather , it has been the risk-takers , the doers , the makers of things some celebrated but more often men and women obscure in their labour , who have carried us up the long , rugged path towards prosperity and freedom .

  29. 这条路是勇于承担风险者之路,是实干家、创造者之路。这其中有一些人名留青史,但是更多的人却在默默无闻地工作着。正是这些人带领我们走过了漫长崎岖的旅行,带领我们走向富强和自由。

    Rather , it has been the risk-takers , the doers , the makers of things - some celebrated but more often men and women obscure in their labour , who have carried us up the long , rugged path towards prosperity and freedom .