
qīng chūn qián qī
  • preadolescence
青春前期[qīng chūn qián qī]
  1. 青春前期儿童甲状腺功能减退致垂体增生的MRI表现

    MRI Manifestations of Children in Puberty with Pituitary Hyperplasia due to Hypothyroidism

  2. 资料与方法分别对10例临床已确诊为甲减的儿童和10名青春前期的正常儿童行垂体MRI平扫及增强检查并对照分析。

    Materials and Methods MRI findings of 10 cases with pituitary hyperplasia by hypothyroidism and 10 cases adolescent children as control were compared and analyzed .

  3. 结论在大鼠青春前期,eNOS基因表达与雄激素生成和生殖细胞发育有关;

    Conclusions In adolescence , expression of eNOS regulates secretion of hormone and germ cell development ;

  4. 结果治疗期间可见第二性征发育减退、月经被抑制、增高的血清E2水平降到青春前期水平,生长速率减慢和骨过度成熟被抑制。

    Results The secondary sexual development was regressed with interruption of their menses . The serum E 2 levels decreased to prepubertal levels and their growth velocity declined with deceleration of their bone maturation .

  5. 青春前期Alagille综合征患儿的静息时能量消耗没有增加

    Resting energy expenditure is not increased in prepubertal children with Alagille syndrome

  6. 方法对49例正常青春前期及48例正常青春后期儿童进行身高、体重测量及血Leptin、生长激素结合蛋白(GHBP)检测。

    Methods Serum levels of leptin , serum growth hormone binding protein ( GHBP ), height and weight were observed in 49 normal prepubertal children and 48 normal postpubertal children .

  7. 本文收集1979~1990年卵巢绒癌6例,4例发生在青春期和青春前期妇女,1例少女有性早熟,全部患者尿HCG阳性。

    During the period 1979 - 1990 six cases of ovarian choriocarcinoma were seen . Four of these patients were in pubertal and prepuberal girls one of which presented , in addition , pubertal precocity . The urine pregnancy test was positive in all of these cases .

  8. 结论:滋阴泻火方能抑制NMA诱导的雌性大鼠性早熟的发生,并使其维持在正常青春前期状态,其作用与亮丙瑞林相似。

    Conclusions : ① CHM for nourishing Yin and purging Fire , as well as Leuprorelin , were able to inhibit the occurrence of the true precocious puberty induced by NMA in female rats , and remain the rats in normal prepuberty status .

  9. 青春前期儿童血铅含量及铅对行为发育的相关性

    Correlation of level of blood lead with behavioral development of adolescents

  10. 49名9~11.5岁青春前期女童钙吸收率研究

    Study on calcium absorption rate in premenarche Chinese girls aged 9-11.5 years

  11. 13例年龄相匹配的健康青春前期女孩作为对照。

    The controls were 13 age matched healthy prepubertal girls .

  12. 小于胎龄儿青春前期女孩硫化脱氢表雄酮和胰岛素水平的研究

    Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate and insulin of prepubertal girls born small for gestational age

  13. 青春前期小鼠雌性生殖干细胞的分离、建系和鉴定

    Prepubertal Mice Female Germline Stem Cell Isolation , Cell Line Establishment and Characterization

  14. 结论:青春前期过度肥胖与性器官发育不良有着一定的联系。

    Conclusion : Massive obesity is associated with the maldevelopment of sex organs in prepuberty .

  15. 它的发育阶段分为胚胎期、青春前期、青春期、怀孕期、泌乳期和退乳期。我们推测这一过程必然与其它代谢过程一样受控于遗传,伴随众多基因的参与。

    These defined stages are embryonic , prepubertal , pubertal , pregnancy , lactation and involution .

  16. 结论:青春前期女生体成分随青春发育发生显著变化。

    Objective : To evaluate the body-composition of Beijing Han pre-puberty girl and its relationship with puberty .

  17. 目的:探讨青春前期男性儿童不同体脂含量与性器官发育的关系。

    Objective : Our purpose was to study the relationship between body composition and the development of sexual organ among boys in prepuberty .

  18. 青春前期和早期女性血清维生素D、雌二醇和瘦体重含量与骨骼发育的相关性研究

    The Relation of Serum Vitamin D , Estradiol , and Lean Body Mass to the Bone Development in Early Pubertal and Pre-Pubertal Girls

  19. 为了进一步探讨不同年龄组小鼠的雌性生殖干细胞的特性,本课题通过两步酶消解法,从7只青春前期(12天)小鼠的卵巢中分离得到雌性生殖干细胞。

    For further research of the properties of FGSCs from mice of different age groups , in this study , through two-step enzymes digestion , we isolated cells from the ovaries of seven prepubertal ( 12d ) female mice .

  20. 15例随诊3~8年,14例维持女性性别者术后口服雌激素替代治疗,第二性征明显改善,11例青春前期身体发育正常,术后外生殖器外观满意、感觉良好;

    Female features were retained in 19 cases and male features in 2.Of them 15 cases were followed up for 3 to 8 years . Of the 15 cases 14 were treated by hormone replacement ( oral stilbestrol ) with obvious improvement of secondary sexual character .

  21. 并且,青春发育前期对一碳单位氨基酸中的Met和His的利用程度较高。

    Moreover , the utilization ratio of Met and His ( one unit carbon AA ) were higher during ante - puberty .

  22. 济宁市青春中前期青少年心理行为、个性特征发育的双生子研究

    A Twin Study on Development of Psychological Behaviors and Personality Characteristics in the Early and Middle Stage of Puberty in Jining

  23. 中学生青春期性教育现状及学校管理对策济宁市青春中前期青少年心理行为、个性特征发育的双生子研究

    The Present Situation of the Sexual Education for Teenages and Strategies of School ; A Twin Study on Development of Psychological Behaviors and Personality Characteristics in the Early and Middle Stage of Puberty in Jining

  24. 现代生活对处于青春期前或是处于青春期的孩子们的压力确实在加剧。济宁市青春中前期青少年心理行为、个性特征发育的双生子研究

    The demands made on preteens and teens by modern life have definitely increased the level of stress . A Twin Study on Development of Psychological Behaviors and Personality Characteristics in the Early and Middle Stage of Puberty in Jining