
  • 网络Informal employees;contractor
  1. 非正式员工的工资在升高,但其基数很低。

    Wages for irregular workers are rising , but from a low base .

  2. 其次,雇主和非正式员工提升技能的动力都不太大。

    Second , neither employers nor non-regular workers have much incentive to increase skills .

  3. 而这些非正式员工的劳动保障和待遇往往都很低,一些基本的劳动权益很难保障。

    The labor security and salary of these non-official employees is always low and their basic labor rights and interests are difficult to secure .

  4. 上世纪九十年代期间,日本公司倾向于雇佣非正式员工,为了减少开支,刻意少雇佣甚至不雇佣正式员工。

    During the1990s companies placed a greater emphasis on non-regular workers , often reducing or freezing the hiring of regular workers , in order to reduce costs .

  5. 对非正式员工的管理,要从调整人力资源战略、合理规划人员配置、实现人力资源一体化、开展科学考评、实行激励机制等方面着手,多做工作。参考文献8。

    The author thinks that we should adjust human resource strategies , properly plan human resource allocation , and use scientific evaluation and other incentive mechanism . 8 refs .

  6. 新法案还试图改善日本人数日益增加的“非正式员工”的处境,这些人由于从事临时或兼职工作,因此没有全职员工的就业保障。

    The new law also seeks to improve the lot of Japan 's growing pool of " nonregular " workers in temporary or part-time jobs who don 't have the job security of full-time regular employees .

  7. 麻生太郎表示,刺激计划必须把重点放在如下领域:保健和医疗服务;补贴地方政府;为非正式员工构建一张新的社会安全网;更多利用政府金融机构来缓解信贷紧缩;太阳能。

    Taro Aso said the stimulus must focus on healthcare and medical services , subsidies to local governments , a new social safety net for non-regular workers , more use of government financial institutions to ease the credit crunch and solar energy .

  8. 所谓二重结构,简单来说,是指日本的大企业与中小企业之间(有时也包括大企业正式员工和非正式员工之间)存在着较大的待遇差距。

    The so-called " the dual structure ", in a nutshell , refers there is a large gap between the treatment of large enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises in Japan ( sometimes , also including between the formal and informal staff of large enterprises ) .

  9. 一旦正式或非正式的听到员工的自愿辞职信息,管理人员应进行正式的沟通,了解辞职原因。

    On hearing of employee 's voluntary resignation either formally or informally , the management staff shall conduct informal communication and understand the reason for leaving .

  10. 每隔一个月,思科公司(Cisco)首席执行官约翰•钱伯斯都会邀请两个月内过生日的员工,参加一场由他亲自主持的非正式问答会,员工能在会上无拘无束地交流。

    Every other month , Cisco CEO John Chambers invites employees whose birthdays fall within the designated two-month period to an informal Q & A with the head honcho himself .