
yīn xiǎng
  • sound;audio;acoustics;klang
音响 [yīn xiǎng]
  • (1) [sound;acoustics]∶声音(多就声音所产生的效果说)

  • (2) [acoustics]∶播放音乐的电子装置

音响[yīn xiǎng]
  1. 这次戏剧演出的音响和灯光效果极佳。

    The play had excellent sound and lighting effects .

  2. 磁带的音响效果极佳。

    The sound quality of the tapes was excellent .

  3. 他放立体声音响时总把低音调得很大。

    He always plays his stereo with the bass turned right up .

  4. 我们在立体声音响上放点音乐吧。

    Let 's put some music on the stereo .

  5. CD-I规格的光碟播放器看起来就像录像机,能与家庭电视和立体音响系统相连。

    A CD-I deck looks like a video recorder and plugs into the home television and stereo system

  6. 清凉的夏日舞曲的声音从室内音响中传了出来。

    Cool summer dance sounds are drifting from the stereo indoors .

  7. 风力涡轮机个头大、噪音响,还会破坏周边风景。

    Wind turbines are large and noisy and they disfigure the landscape .

  8. 下弦能够产生雄壮浑厚的音响效果。

    The lower strings contribute a splendid richness of sonority .

  9. 这套设备受到全球高保真音响专业报刊的赞誉。

    All this equipment has received international acclaim from the specialist hi-fi press .

  10. 音响师运用一系列技术来提高录音质量。

    Sound engineers utilize a range of techniques to enhance the quality of the recordings

  11. 你可以把机器连在高保真音响上。

    You can connect the machine to your hi-fi

  12. 这款汽车有单声道音响设备。

    This model has a mono soundtrack .

  13. 我们看见几个年轻人爬上了排水管,后来就见他们提着一台电视机和音响跑掉了。

    We saw some kids shinning up a drainpipe before legging it clutching a TV and hi-fi

  14. 包括电视机和高保真音响在内的黑色家电的销售收入增加了将近12%。

    Revenue from brown goods , including televisions and hi-fis , rose nearly 12 per cent .

  15. 这场演出中,拉特尔有交响乐大厅出色的音响效果做他的后盾。

    In this performance , Rattle had the acoustic of the Symphony Hall on his side .

  16. 这个会堂音响效果很差。

    The hall is bad in sound .

  17. 一点音响也听不到。

    Not a sound was heard .

  18. 有了组合音响才谈得到买激光唱片。

    I can only consider buying CDs after I 've bought a hi-fi set .

  19. 音响效果不好,使演出大为减色。

    Poor acoustics spoilt the performance .

  20. 这个场子够大,可是音响效果不好,不适合用来开音乐会。

    The place is big enough , but the acoustics are no good for a concert .

  21. 新装的音响可以播放卫星广播和从网上下载的MP3文件。

    New stereos pull in satellite radio broadcasts and play MP3 files downloaded from the Internet .

  22. 纱厂工人的三大威胁,就是音响、尘埃和湿气

    Textile workers suffer from three scourges -- noise , dust and humidity .

  23. 她把立体声音响开到了最大音量。

    She had the stereo on at full blast .

  24. 引子在弦乐的震音上竖琴奏出了琶音,一种迷人的音响。

    The introduction presents arpeggios on the harp against a string tremolo -- an enchanting sonority .

  25. 电器、音响响、光学学、电脑等的零件、螺丝固定绝缘、防震与接著

    Forfixing , insulating , shock affixing parts or screws of many items such as appliances , stereos , and eyeglasses .

  26. 同时也提供一个SEND和RETURN插孔以允许您使用外接音响效应器。

    AN EFFECT SEND and RETURN jack is also supplied to allow the use of external effectors .

  27. 汽车无线电DSP推动汽车音响发展

    Car Radio DSP Driving Automotive Audio

  28. 是SR马达可能导致过份相当数量音响噪声。

    Yes SR motors can produce excessive amounts of acoustic noise .

  29. 主控系统、实时图像系统、3D音响系统则基于PC机开发实现。

    Main-control system , real time image system and 3D sound system are developed by us , which based on PC computer .

  30. 这些代理可以是软件服务如ApacheWeb服务器或物理服务如音响警报器。

    These can be software services such as an Apache web server or physical services such as an audible alarm .