
yīn liàng
  • volume;sound volume;vol
音量 [yīn liàng]
  • (1) [sound volume]

  • (2) 声音的响度或强度

  • 最后一段合唱的音量正到达最高峰

  • (3) 听觉的特性,高频音似乎小而尖锐,而低频音看来好像充满了更大的空间

音量[yīn liàng]
  1. 你能把音量开大点儿吗?

    Can you turn the volume up a little bit ?

  2. 你能把音量开大点儿吗?

    Can you turn the volume up a bit ?

  3. 你把音量调低一点儿好吗?

    Could you turn the sound down just a tad ?

  4. 此旋钮调节音量。

    This knob controls the volume .

  5. 请把音量调低些。

    Please turn the volume down .

  6. 他过来抱怨音乐的音量太高了。

    He came to complain about the volume of the music .

  7. 她为他们倒上饮料,然后开大音量播放唱片。

    She poured them drinks , and put a record on loud

  8. 我查看了那根音量指针是否在摆动。

    I checked to see if the needle indicating volume was oscillating .

  9. 有人调大了公共广播系统的音量。

    Someone cranked up the volume of the public address system

  10. 他把收音机的音量开得很大,好让自己不再想这件事。

    He put the radio on loud to stop himself thinking about it

  11. 从他的书房里传出马勒的乐曲,音量开到了最大。

    From his study came the sound of Mahler , playing at full volume

  12. 她受不了没完没了的音乐,就把音量调小了。

    She could not bear the relentless music and turned down the volume .

  13. 她把厨房用小收音机的音量调低。

    She turned her little kitchen radio on low

  14. 把吉他的音量调到最大,尽情欢乐吧。

    Turn the guitars up full and let rip

  15. 因为一个邻居要求把音乐音量调低,聚会便散了。

    A neighbour asked for the music to be turned down and the party broke up

  16. 将音量尽量调大。

    Set the volume as high as possible

  17. 那些家庭有很多一天24小时把电视开到最大音量。

    In many of those homes the television is on full blast 24 hours a day

  18. 她去把音量关小了。

    She went and turned the sound down

  19. 如果你进了城,你会注意到所有的酒吧都有音量很大的自动点唱机。

    If you went into town , you 'd notice all the pubs have loud jukeboxes

  20. 她播放唱片时音量太大了。

    She played her records too loudly

  21. 他调低了音量。

    He turned down the volume

  22. 我调高了音量。

    I turned the volume up

  23. 乐曲的音量减弱了,专题新闻广播开始了。

    The music faded down and a special news broadcast began .

  24. 管风琴发出的音量比小提琴或笛子都大。

    A pipe organ gives much more volume than a violin or flute .

  25. 我真希望你能把收音机的音量调低一些。

    I wish you would turn the radio down a bit .

  26. 收音机音量已开到最大。

    The radio is on at full volume .

  27. 电台在专题新闻广播之后重新逐渐增强了乐曲的音量。

    The radio station faded the music up again after the special news broadcast .

  28. 随着主人公朝着落日骑马而去,我们渐渐加大结尾音乐的音量。

    We fade in the closing music as the hero rides off into the sunset .

  29. 不管说话音量的大小如何,其中总有可能包含一些冗余信息。

    At any volume , there 's still such a thing as too much information .

  30. 使用TVEars耳机,您可以设置自己的耳机音量,而其他电视听众则可以以他们觉得舒适的音量听电视的声音。

    With TV Ears wireless technology , you set your own headset volume , while other TV listeners hear the television at a volume level that 's comfortable for them .