
  • 网络prediction;Predictive power;forecastability
  1. 运用这些资料得到的模型,对于ARF诊断的预测力非常低。

    The predictive power of models using information obtained on the day of ARF diagnosis was extremely low .

  2. 同伴关系满意度和师生关系满意度对自尊具有较强的预测力。

    Peer relation and teacher-student relationship has a strong predictive power to self-esteem .

  3. 这些理论已经逐个地引起了新一轮的实验来检验究竟哪个理论更有效。这些实验检验的是以前观测到的违反EU的现象的稳健性和新理论预测力的准确性。

    The experiments test robustness of previously observed EU violations , and test the accuracy of predictions in new domains .

  4. 通过预试性调查、交叉证实检验、法则有效性(NomologicalValidity)等定量分析方法反复检验问卷的信度和胜任力模型的构念效度以及胜任力模型对绩效的预测力。

    Quantitative methods such as cross-validation and nomological validity are used to test reliability , validity and the prediction to job performance of the questionnaire and the competency model .

  5. 欠译、过译和语法错误对受试的翻译得分有较强的预测力,而不恰当表达和误译对于受试的翻译得分没有显著的预测力(p.05)。

    Under-translation , grammatical errors and over-translation are among the most powerful predictors . But infelicity uses and mistranslation do not have significant predicting powers to translation scores .

  6. 文章运用VAR模型经验估计了中国的金融状况指数FCI,结果表明FCI指数对通货膨胀率具有良好的预测力。

    This paper employs VAR methodology to empirically estimate China 's Financial Condition Index . The evidences show that FCI can appropriately describe the change of financial conditions of China from 1995 to 2005 and has favorable function of forecasting future inflation .

  7. 青少年的友谊行为对主观幸福感具有一定的预测力水平;

    Friendship behavior is a predictor of adolescents ' subjective well-being .

  8. 对美国参议院和美国州长的选举结果有70%的预测力,

    predict 70 percent of U.S. Senate and gubernatorial race outcomes ,

  9. 基于价值的战略绩效评估方法比传统的以财务指标为主的绩效评估方法具有更强的长期绩效预测力。

    SPM are better predictors of long-run performance than traditional financial measurement .

  10. 这是一种有用的工具,无论它的预测力如何。

    This is useful stuff , whatever its predictive power .

  11. 结果:角色冲突对职业倦怠的三个维度均有较高的预测力;

    Result : Role conflict can predict all dimensions of job burnout ;

  12. 员工组织支持感对周边绩效的预测力要高于对任务绩效的预测力。

    Perceived organizational support can forecast contextual performance higher than task performance .

  13. 父母教养权威性与亲子沟通共同对失败恐惧产生影响,对失败恐惧具有显著的预测力。

    Parenting authoritativeness and parent-child communication both can predict fear of failure .

  14. 复杂性和流利性对二语写作成绩有较强的预测力,准确性对于写作成绩预测力较弱。

    Complexity and fluency can predict more about writing performance than accuracy .

  15. 语文一般学业自我对语文成绩的预测力最强。

    Chinese academic self-concept could predict Chinese academic achievements effectively .

  16. 基于力外环的模糊灰色预测力控制器

    Fuzzy grey prediction force control scheme based on outer force control loop

  17. 积极渗溢和补偿行为对工作满意度有显著预测力;

    The work satisfactory is predicted by positive compensation .

  18. 国民小学校长「转型领导」、「交易领导」行为对整体「教师工作满意」有联合预测力。

    Principals'transformational leadership and transactional leadership had predicative efficacy for the teachers'job satisfaction .

  19. 成长与发展和工作关系这两个因素对持续承诺有显著的预测力;

    Growth and development , work relationship had significant predictive effects on continuance commitment ;

  20. 而个体特征与工作特征方面的相关因素则对主管支持感具有一定的预测力。

    Factors such as individual characteristics and job characteristics are significantly predictive of PPS .

  21. 组织激励层面和人际信任层面对知识分享状况具有显著的预测力。

    Motivation and trust factors show great ability to predict knowledge sharing present status .

  22. 学习策略在整体上对英语成绩具有中度的预测力。

    Learning strategies as a whole possess a moderate predictive power on English achievement .

  23. 词汇广度和深度对二语水平的预测力评估

    Assessing the Contribution of Vocabulary Breadth and Depth to the Prediction of L2 Proficiency

  24. 学龄年级也就是年龄对各个领域不同标准的判断具有十分重要的预测力。

    Age has the very important forecast strength to judgment standards of each domain .

  25. 语法知识对语用知识预测力的实证研究

    Predictability of grammatical knowledge on pragmatic knowledge

  26. 内隐学习、认知能力对于学业成绩具有一定的预测力。

    Implicit learning and cognitive ability have the certain predictive effect on the academic achievement .

  27. 整体自信对大学生的心理健康水平具有明显预测力和显著影响力;

    The students'self-confidence could predict individual mental health obviously , and the overall confidence was better ;

  28. 同时,采用相关、回归等分析方法对大学生环境价值观、环境态度和环境行为两两之间的相关性及预测力进行研究。

    Moreover , the relativity of environmental values , environmental attitudes and environmental behaviors were analyzed .

  29. 基于反向传播算法神经网络的信用评分系统预测力研究

    Study on Prediction Ability of Credit Scoring System Based on Neural Network Using Back Propagating Algorithm

  30. 如此,模型的预测力较高,且易推广使用。

    Models generated like this are expected to have higher predictive capacity and be more practical .