
  • 网络pneumocephalus;intracranial pneumatosis
  1. 脑囊虫2例。本组无死亡及感染病例,3例出现并发症为颅内积气,1例为脑室内出血。

    Complications were found in 3 cases with intracranial pneumatosis , and I case with bleeding in cerebral ventricle .

  2. 术后短期内3例患者有少量无症状性颅内积气,未经治疗而自愈;1例患者发生短暂性脑脊液鼻漏,局部明胶海绵填塞及碘纺纱条压迫后自愈。

    In early postoperative period , there were 3 patients with intracranial pneumatosis , but without symptom , and 1 patient with transient cerebrospinal leakage .

  3. YL-1型针应用于血肿微创清除术并发颅内积气的防治研究

    Application of YL-1 spine in prevention and treatment of intracranial air following minimally invasive surgery for hematoma removal

  4. 结果所有病例术后1~3d复查CT,血肿腔缩小90%以上,除10例有颅内积气外,未见颅内血肿、颅内感染、肺部感染和其它并发症。

    Results All patients were re-examined by computed tomography 1-3 d after operation . The results showed that haematoma bores were withered by 90 % or more , and no encephalic haematoma , pulmonary infection , intracranial infection as well as other complications were found except 10 cases of pneumocephalus .

  5. 目的:对外伤后颅内积气80d积气不吸收且增多,致精神障碍和智力、记忆力空间结构障碍的病例进行分析。

    AIM : To analyze one case with mental disorders and intellectual , memory and spatial obstacles caused by post-traumatic intracranial pneumatosis for 80 days and the pneumatosis was increased instead of being absorbed .

  6. 结果与手术有关的主要并发症有:颅内积气5例,硬膜下积液3例,Parinaud综合征3例,大脑后动脉损伤1例,术后脑膜脑室炎3例。

    Results The complications were : pneumocephalus in 5 cases , subdura effusion in 6 cases , Parinaud 's syndrome in 3 cases , injury of posterior cerebral artery in 1 case and meningoencephalitis in 3 cases .

  7. 自制引流管防气圈预防颅内积气

    Self-made Drainage-tube Air-proof Circle to Prevent Intracranial Pneumatosis

  8. 目的探讨导致慢性硬膜下血肿钻孔冲洗术后张力性颅内积气的主要因素及治疗方法。

    Objective To discuss the main factors leading to the subdural tension pneumocephalus following burr hole irrigation of chronic subdural hematoma and the treatment of pneumocephalus .

  9. 结果:术后短暂性脑脊液鼻漏3例,无症状性颅内积气3例,少量硬脑膜外血肿及脑膜炎各1例。

    Result : Postoperatively there were transient cerebrospinal leakage in 3 patients , and non-symptom intracranial pneumatosis in 3 patients , and epidural hematoma in 1 patient , and meningitis in 1 patients .

  10. 伤后头颅CT检查示:颅内血肿、积气、脑挫伤并颅内碎骨片存在,颅骨可见进弹孔和出弹孔。

    Intracranial hematoma , intracranial pneumatosis , contusion and laceration of brain , and cranial bone fragments were found by cranial CT , with the entrance and exit of the bullet seen on the right and left frontal bone respectively .