
  • 网络SOLARIS;Into space
  1. 《速度与激情9》是一部由查理兹·塞隆、海伦·米伦、库尔特·拉塞尔出演的全球网络间谍大片,还有一辆可以飞向太空的汽车。

    F9 ( in the US ) or Fast & Furious 9 ( in the UK ) is a global cyber-spy extravaganza boasting appearances by Charlize Theron , Helen Mirren , Kurt Russell and a car that flies into space .

  2. 马修·麦康纳(MatthewMcConaughey)饰演的父亲飞向太空,试图寻找一个替代行星,来让人类存活下去。

    The father , played by Matthew McConaughey , goes off into space to find a replacement planet where humanity might survive .

  3. 在太空营,受训者可以在建造和发射模型火箭时获得太空探索徽章,学习太空任务,并尝试与来自世界各地的宇航员一起模拟飞向太空。

    At Space Camp , trainees can earn their Space Exploration badge as they build and fire model rockets , learn about space tasks and try simulated flying to space with the crew from all over the world .

  4. 无疑,很快我们就会以旅客的身份飞向太空。

    No doubt we will soon fly to space as tourists .

  5. 他们将飞向太空,让全球的人类目睹你们的英雄事迹。

    They will be flying in space , so that the world witnessed your human heroic deeds .

  6. 五位英国出生的曾经飞向太空的个人已经被授予一个纪念别针。

    The five UK-born individuals who have flown in space are being honoured with a commemorative pin .

  7. 如果没有引力,我们人本身以及其他东西就会离开地球。飞向太空。

    If there were no gravitation , we and everything else would fly off the earth into space .

  8. 俄罗斯科学家治愈了疾病,开拓了新的发展领域,帮助人们飞向太空。

    Russian scientists have cured disease , sought new frontiers of progress , and helped us go to space .

  9. 这颗像死星一样的黑色天体在被太阳光完全吞没之后,又迅速飞向太空。

    The black , death star-like , orb is briefly engulfed in light from the sun , then flies off into space .

  10. 正当我们今天聚集在这历史悠久、富丽堂皇的建筑物之际,世界上第50位飞向太空的女性正在我们头上按轨道运行。

    As we gather here today in this historic , magnificent building , the 50th woman to leave this Earth is orbiting overhead .

  11. 想到太空玩了,还是跟电脑说一声,汽车就会变成火箭飞向太空,安全又方便。

    Think of space play , or say1 with computers , cars will become the rockets fly to outer space , safe and convenient .

  12. 具传奇色彩的企业家理查德·布兰森搭乘自已的带翼火箭飞船飞向太空,比同为亿万富翁的杰夫·贝索斯提前9天进入太空。

    Swashbuckling entrepreneur Richard Branson has hurtled into space aboard his own winged rocket ship , beating fellow billionaire Jeff Bezos by nine days .

  13. 发现者号航天飞机发射,使我们首次看到人类采用飞机外形的航天器飞向太空。

    The space shuttle Discovery launches and inside the same year , we saw the first ever flight in space by humans using flight packs .

  14. 我们会有更多的航天飞机,更多的航天机组,并且,是的,更多的平民,更多的教师飞向太空。

    There will be more shuttle flights and more shuttle crews and , yes , more volunteers , more civilians , more teachers in space .

  15. 我认为《飞向太空》是一部带有过渡性质的作品,塔尔科夫斯基第二阶段和第三阶段两种截然不同的艺术风格都在此片中初现端倪,但又未殝完善。

    The style at the third stage is completely different from the second one , and the two styles have an inkling of the matter without arriving perfection .

  16. 据说他要带领维珍王国飞向太空,大家都在猜测,这位狮王般的领袖人物的下一个传奇将是什么?

    It is said he is ready to take his Virgin kingdom to the space and we can 't help to think about what 's lion king 's next legend ?

  17. 系好你的安全带,空间旅行已经成为现实——美国商人丹尼斯蒂托搭乘俄罗斯联盟号火箭飞向太空,并于2001年4月30号抵达国际空间站。

    Fasten your seat belts , space tourism is already a thing - American businessman Dennis Tito flew into space aboard a Russian Soyuz rocket that arrived at the International Space Station on April 30 , 2001 .

  18. 高斯林当然是扮演宇航员尼尔·阿姆斯特朗,这位长着方下巴、性格隐忍的科学家铤而走险飞向太空,将妻子(《王冠》主演克莱尔·芙伊饰)和孩子们留在地球上。

    Gosling , of course , is astronaut Neil Armstrong , here a square-jawed , emotionally repressed scientist who dared all to blast off into space leaving his wife ( The Crown 's Claire Foy ) and children back on Earth .

  19. 从嫦娥的传说到敦煌壁画上的飞天,中国人的祖先们一直渴望着飞向外太空。

    From the myth of Chang ' E to the Fly Apsaras of Dunhuang caves , expresses Chinese ancestors ' desire to explore outer space .