
  • 网络cnu;the capital normal university
  1. 北京地区大学校园植物配置初探&以首都师范大学良乡新校区园林规划设计方案为例北京林业大学风景园林专业园林树木学B课程教学改革初探

    Plant Arrangements for University Campus Greening in Beijing : A Case Study on the Landscape Planning and Design Program of Capital Normal University Liangxiang Campus Preliminary Practice on Reform of Landscape Dendrology B in Major of Landscape Architecture , Beijing Forestry University

  2. 汉语言学专家、首都师范大学CET对外汉语学习项目的负责人莫大伟(DavidMoser)说,所有的语言中都写进了性别,但由于中文的视觉特性,它在中文中特别引人注目。

    Gender is written into all languages , but it is especially striking in Chinese because of the visual nature of the language , said David Moser , a linguist and the academic director of CET Beijing Chinese Studies at Capital Normal University .

  3. BWO连续太赫兹波成像是一种新的无损检测方法,该系统也是首都师范大学THz小组自主搭建的成像系统。

    BWO Continuous-Wave THz imaging is a new approach to non-destructive testing . This system is build by ourselves .

  4. 我在首都师范大学学习中文。

    I am studying Chinese in Capital normal university .

  5. 首都师范大学校园内部分植物花粉形态观察

    Observation of the Pollen Morphology in Capital Normal University

  6. 首都师范大学光断代实验室辐照系统的标定

    Calibration of irradiation system in Optical Luminescence Dating Laboratory of Capital Normal University

  7. 1985~2000年首都师范大学学生身体形态、机能和素质的研究

    Study on Physique Condition of Capital Normal University Students

  8. 简述首都师范大学图书馆对本校学位论文的建设与利用

    The Construction of Degree Thesises of Capital Normal University

  9. 新形式对人们的启示&记首都师范大学钢琴合奏课

    The Piano Ensemble Course in Capital Normal University

  10. 来自首都师范大学附属中学的要新乐获得了冠军。

    Yaoxinyue from Wangjing Boarding School Attached to Capital Normal University is the winner .

  11. 首都师范大学物理系;

    Department of Physics , Capital Normal University ;

  12. 王老师在中国北京首都师范大学主修中文教育专业。

    Shuo Wang graduated at Capital Normal University in Beijing , Major in Chinese Education .

  13. 我毕业于首都师范大学。

    I graduated from Capital Normal University .

  14. 首都师范大学国际文化大厦

    International Culture Center of Capital Normal University

  15. 首都师范大学建立了一个基于网络环境的虚拟学习社区。

    We have constructed a virtual studying community in Capital Normal University based on network environment .

  16. 十五首都师范大学体育课程改革设想

    The Imagination of PE Curriculum Reformation for the Capital Normal University in the Next Five Years

  17. 首都师范大学校区规划

    Campus planning of Capital Normal University

  18. 首都师范大学学生体质健康现状及对策研究

    The Study on the Current Situation and Countermeasure of Students ' Health of Constitution in Capital Normal University

  19. 陶东风,文学博士,首都师范大学文学院教授、博士生导师。

    Ph.D.of Literature , professor of School of Literature , Capital Normal University , doctor advisor , Beijing .

  20. 本人毕业于北京首都师范大学,从事对外汉语教学两年。

    I graduated from Beijing capital normal university , in teaching Chinese as a foreign language for two years .

  21. 有五十名首都师范大学的英语本科生参与此研究。

    Fifty English majors from English Department , Capital Normal University ( CNU ) were selected for the research .

  22. 首都师范大学学报(自然科学版)2006年总目次第27卷1-6期

    JOURNAL OF CAPITAL NORMAL UNIVERSITY Natural Science Edition Index of Summary Contents ( 2006 ) Vol . 27 No.1 ~ 6

  23. 同时开工的还有清华大学、首都师范大学以及东方大学城的学生公寓。

    The student apartment houses of Tsing Hua University , Capital Normal University and the Eastern University campus were also started .

  24. 凝练特色·开拓创新&首都师范大学美术学院艺术设计系

    To Congeal Features and Exploit Innovations & The Art Design Department of The College of Fine Arts of Capital Normal University

  25. 笔者对首都师范大学英语教育系40名大二学生的议论文写作进行了分析研究。

    The author makes an analysis of 40 argumentative essays of Chinese English majors in the second year study in Capital Normal University .

  26. 首都师范大学一位性教育专家认为,性教育应该渗透到孩子的养育中。

    An expert on sex education from Capital Normal University in Beijing said sex education should not be absent from cultivation of children .

  27. 军辉是第一位聋人能到北京西城师范学校和首都师范大学读书。

    Jun-Hui became the first deaf person to go to Beijing Xicheng Teachers ' School and the Capital Normal University ( CNU ) .

  28. 这是一张贴于北京首都师范大学男卫生间小便池上的、有着上个世纪五十年代公共设施招贴风格的标语广告。

    This is a1950s-public-service-ad style placard that appears above the urinals in all the men 's bathrooms at Capital Normal University in Beijing .

  29. 本文作者来自美国,现在首都师范大学教书。文中她讲述了与自己与京剧的缘分和对中国京剧的见解。

    Kathy Bick , from the United States , now teaching at the Beijing Capital Normal University , tells of her involvement with Peking Opera .

  30. 22岁的江东新(音译)穿着人字拖蹲在首都师范大学的人行道上,正在和另一位学生就一本二手教材讨价还价。

    Crouching on the sidewalk of Capital Normal University , Jiang Dongxin , in flip-flops , is bargaining with another student over a secondhand textbook .