
xiānɡ yān hé
  • cigarette case
  1. 这香烟盒上刻着他姓名的首字母。

    The cigarette CASE was engraved with his initials .

  2. 另外还有精品香烟盒、棉芯和火石等配置。

    Cigarette case . cotton-core and flint .

  3. 政府公布了新的用于香烟盒上的健康警示语。

    The government has unveiled new health warnings for cigarette packets .

  4. 这台收音机重量仅为几盎司,比香烟盒还小。

    The radio only weighs a few ounces and is smaller than a cigarette packet

  5. 到处都是香烟盒。

    There were cartons of cigarettes everywhere

  6. 基于DSP的香烟盒封条缺陷识别技术研究

    Research on Defect Detecting Technology for the Seal of Cigarette Case

  7. 英国资格及考试监督办公室目前正在考虑将香烟盒上的健康警告问题与SAT高考、普通中等教育以及中学高级水平考试成绩事件一起公布,以此来提醒大家分数并不是完全准确的。

    Ofqual is considering issuing cigarette packet-style health warnings alongside results in SATs , GCSEs and A-levels to serve as a reminder that grades cannot be totally accurate .

  8. 美国FDA发出了拟议的规则,广告香烟盒上的警告要求,提出修改要求的警告香烟广告出现在香烟包装和。

    FDA issued a proposed rule , Required Warnings for Cigarette Packages and Advertisements , proposing to modify the required warnings that appear on cigarette packages and in cigarette advertisements .

  9. 几乎每一页都有香烟盒烟草的广告。

    On most every page there were advertisements for cigarettes and tobacco .

  10. 香烟盒上必须印有政府的健康警告。

    Packets of cigarettes mustcarry a government health warnmg .

  11. 是的,我有两条香烟盒一瓶威士忌。

    Yes , I have two cotton of cigarettes one bottle of whisky .

  12. 在英国,香烟盒上印有政府的戒烟警告。

    In britain , packets of cigarettes come with a government health warning attached .

  13. 他们在海滩上乱扔香烟盒。

    They littered the beach with cigarette packages .

  14. 龟甲制香烟盒或雪茄盒

    Cigar or cigarette case , of tortoise shell

  15. 贱金属制装饰性香烟盒

    Ornamental cigarette box of base metal

  16. 骆驼牌香烟盒的底色是淡黄色,暗喻广阔的沙漠。

    The camel sign fragrant cigarette case bottom color is faint yellow , metaphor broad desert .

  17. 沉默,沉默的温哥华之夜呀,鳞比节次的小洋房,香烟盒般排开。

    Silent , Vancouver 's silent nights , blocks of foreign-style houses are scattered like cigarette boxes .

  18. 英国政府计划改变香烟盒的外包装,今后市面上出售的香烟只允许售出简版包装,旨在减少年轻烟民数量。

    Cigarettes could be sold in plain packets under plans being considered by ministers to cut the number of young smokers .

  19. 克雷夫斯卡娅现在用它来展出她已故丈夫的作品,包括他用香烟盒做的面具。

    Ms. Kraevskaia now uses it to exhibit the work of her late husband , including his masks made from cigarette boxes .

  20. 在美国法律要求在香烟盒上须标有警告标签,但是烟草并不受到政府的监察。

    In the United States a law requires a warning label on cigarette packs , yet cigarettes are not subject to government inspection .

  21. 它有香烟盒大小,白色精制的不锈钢熠熠发光,随时准备吞下几百首歌曲。

    It was the size of a pack of cigarettes , gleaming in white and polished stainless steel and ready to swallow hundreds of songs .

  22. 他从一匣挤瘪了的胜利牌香烟盒中拿出一支烟来,不小心地竖举着,烟丝马上掉到了地上。

    He took a cigarette from a crumpled packet marked VICTORY CIGARETTES and incautiously held it upright , whereupon the tobacco fell out on to the floor .

  23. 许多国家政府立法强制规定香烟盒上必须标明烟碱含量以及警告消费者吸烟有害健康的宣传语。

    So exact nicotine content must be labeled on tobacco package by law in many countries , warning that " cigarette smoking is harmful to one 's health " .

  24. WHO报道,在日本,由于近年来日本男性烟民人数锐减,烟草商隆重推出了粉红色香烟盒来吸引年轻女孩。

    In Japan , where rates of male smokers have sharply fallen in recent years , pink packs of cigarettes are aggressively promoted to attract girls , according to the WHO .

  25. 香烟盒上的醒目警告对我这种不愿面对现实的人毫无意义,我每次都会在脑海中反驳的根深蒂固的永恒真理:“它们适用于其他人,不适用于我。”

    Those blaring warnings on cigarette packets meant nothing to the ostrich-me that mentally retorted , every time , the eternal truth hardwired into ostriches : " they apply to other people , not me . "

  26. 纽约公共图书馆将一组100多年前的香烟盒上的“生活妙招”卡片进行了数字化处理,这些卡片上的小贴士实在太实用了,二十一世纪的我们看到了也会多加留意!

    The New York Public Library has digitized 100 " how to do it " cards found in cigarette boxes over 100 years ago , and the tips they give are so practical that millennials reading this might want to take notes .

  27. 分析发现,饮料瓶罐占了34%,紧随其后的甜点零食的包装占了16%,快餐包装占13%,香烟盒占10%,薯片空袋占8%。

    Drinks cans and bottles accounted for 34 per cent of litter , followed by confectionery wrappers at 16 per cent . Fast food packaging made up for 13 per cent , as much as 10 per cent of the litter picked up by the volunteers were empty cigarette packets whilst 8 per cent of the litter was crisp packets .

  28. 介绍了CatiaV5的发展和技术特点,介绍了其人机工程功能,以一个香烟条盒包装机防护罩的设计为例,说明了CatiaV5在产品设计中的具体应用方法。

    The development , technical characteristics , and ergonomics function of CATIA V5 were introduced . The practical application method of CATIA V5 in product design was explained with an example of a shield design of cigarette strip box packaging machine .

  29. 采用本实用新型,香烟装盒包装时,将香烟体的过滤嘴一端向下放置,香烟体的防菌套一端向上放置。

    By adopting the utility model , the end of the filter tip is put downward when the cigarettes are boxed and packed , and the end with fungi-proof cover is put upward .

  30. Winickoff提醒到,制造电子香烟的芯盒可做成各种气味,包括巧克力味、薄荷味和泡泡糖味。

    Winickoff noted that cartridges fore-cigarettes are available in flavors , including chocolate , mint and bubblegum .