- 网络macondo

Since the explosion of BP 's Macondo well in the Gulf of Mexico two years ago , students of risk have been poring over the causes .
Mr mix allegedly deleted a string of more than 100 text messages with a BP contractor concerning how much oil was flowing from Macondo after the blowout despite receiving a number of legal hold notices requiring him to preserve such data .
Arcadio continued tightening the tourniquet with unnecessary rigor until he became the cruelest ruler that Macondo had ever known .
While the government itself admitted the progress of the rebellion , the officers in Macondo had confidential reports of the imminence of a negotiated peace .
The local authorities , after the armistice of Neerlandia , were mayors without initiative , decorative judges picked from among the peaceful and tired Conservatives of Macon-do .
He declined the lifetime pension offered him after the war and until old age he made his living from the little gold fishes that he manufactured in his workshop in Macondo .
One Hundred Years of Solitude tells the story of the rise and fall , birth and death of a mythical town of Macondo through the history of the Buend í a family .