
  • 网络Marka;MERCA;Marca;BAM
  1. 采用隐马尔卡夫模型(HMM)对工作流模型进行了抽象表示;

    In the course of inducing , the structure of the workflow model is showed with HMM ( hidden markov models ) .

  2. 本研究针对SAP环境下的石化企业,以海量历史数据为依据,综合运用分形理论、网络层次法、模糊粗糙法及马尔卡夫链理论对供应商风险进行分析及预测。

    This study is based on the large amount of historical data of petrochemical enterprises using SAP , integrated using fractal theory , analytic network process , fuzzy rough law and Markov chain theory to do risk analysis and forecast .

  3. 不过也懂得审时度势,以大局为重。比如公司派她管理行政事务,虽然对她来说过于简单,她还是欣然接受了。用伯恩斯自己的话来说,这主要得益于马尔卡希给她的建议和指导。

    And while she has acquiesced occasionally - like when she accepted a chief of staff job she thought would be too easy for her - she says she 's guided by advice she got from Mulcahy .