
  • 网络turtleneck;Turtleneck sweater;turtle neck
  1. 他正在脱下来的是一件浅米黄色的皮夹克,里面穿着一件象牙白色的高领毛衣。

    He was removing a light beige leather jacket now ; underneath he wore an ivory turtleneck sweater .

  2. 大尺寸(宽松)高领毛衣:如果你的毛衣是大尺寸的,而且能当作长袍穿,那为什么不穿出60年代的味儿,配上一双紧身的长统靴呢?

    The Oversized Turtleneck sweater : If the piece you own is oversized and could be worn as a tunic , why not do it the 60 's way and wear a pair of tight over the knee boots with it ?

  3. 管理创新交流项目(ManagementInnovationExchange)如果你认为创造力只是少数人比如那帮穿着标志性黑色高领毛衣、扎着马尾辫的家伙们的专利,那么你可能想错了。

    ( Management Innovation exchange ) if you think creativity is the province of a privileged few the proverbial black turtleneck and pony tail crowd think again .

  4. 每次iPhone的新品发布会乔布斯穿着标志性的黑色高领毛衣牛仔裤和运动鞋登台

    Each introduction with the new iPhone with Jobs and his signature black turtleneck , jeans and sneaker ,

  5. 我穿了一件高领毛衣来温暖我的脖子。

    I wore a turtleneck to keep my neck warm .

  6. 我是一件有生命的男式高领毛衣。

    Sext : I am a living male turtleneck .

  7. 房间中央摆着一辆跑车,旁边配有数名身着黑色高领毛衣的女性。

    At the centre is a sports car festooned with women in black turtleneck sweaters .

  8. 他穿了一条军绿色的裤子,高领毛衣,皮夹克。

    He was wearing green army pants , and a turtleneck , and a leather jacket .

  9. 只需牢记:高领毛衣配饰有限,简洁至上!

    Just remember : the turtleneck is enough of an accessory so just keep it simple !

  10. 乔布斯以他标志性的黑色高领毛衣,蓝色牛仔裤和白边眼镜的打扮亮相,显得很虚弱。

    Jobs looked frail as he appeared in his signature black mock turtleneck , blue jeans and wire-rimmed glasses .

  11. 我穿上一件棕色的高领毛衣,还有那条不可避免的牛仔裤。当我白日做梦地幻想着低胸细肩带上衣和热裤时,我不由得叹了口气。

    I pulled on my brown turtleneck and the inescapable jeans , sighing as I daydreamed of spaghetti straps and shorts .

  12. 这并不是世界末日——在九十年代,安娜•温图尔穿着一件金丝织物高领毛衣拍照。

    It 's not the end of the world - in the ' 90s , Anna Wintour was photographed in a gold lam é turtleneck .

  13. 嗯哼,虽然你仍然可以配上大号的项链(如果你的高领毛衣允许的话),我个人不是很热衷于这个。

    Well , even though you could still wear an oversized necklace ( if the turtleneck allows ) , personally I 'm not very keen on that .

  14. 这位43岁的《泰坦尼克号》明星,在拍摄自己的戏份时,穿着一件棕色皮夹克、深黄色高领毛衣和棕色长裤,这和他的复古造型相配。

    The Titanic star , 43 , matched his retro appearance in a tan leather blazer , mustard turtleneck and brown trousers , as he filmed his own scenes .

  15. 无论你选什么样的夹克,要确保领子宽松,这样和内搭高领毛衣才不会冲突。

    No matter the type of jacket you choose just make sure that it 's loose enough around the neck so that it 's not clashing with the turtleneck below .

  16. 从青少年到20多岁这期间,罗斯一直都为自己的毛发感到羞愧,她穿着高领毛衣和长袖服装来隐藏自己脸颊和手臂上的细毛。

    Throughout her teenage years and twenties , Rose was so ashamed of her hair that she wore long sleeves and high turtlenecks to hide the fuzz on her chest and arms .

  17. 一双旧球鞋或凉鞋、牛仔衬衫或者斯蒂夫•乔布斯式的黑色高领毛衣、拉链羊毛衫或者宽松牛仔裤(并非松垮肥大的那种)。

    Any old sneakers or sandals ; a denim shirt or a black turtleneck , like Steve Jobs '; a zip-up fleece ; or a roomy ( not baggy ) pair of jeans .

  18. 照片中的这位在遥远的龙咀村游走的农民,穿着棕色的外套,橡胶底帆布鞋和一件起球球的蓝色高领毛衣,他很开心地向人们展示自己。

    Photographs of the farmer show him happily parading through his native village of Luntszyuy , which is said to be extremely remote , wearing a brown suit , plimsolls and a blue polo neck sweater .

  19. 高领毛衣包裹住了脖子,所以如果你想要多暴露脸部一点,就把你的头发扎起来,要让你的高领毛衣成为你打扮的重点。

    The turtleneck covers the neck , so tucking your hair up is a great idea if you wanna reveal your face a little more , while letting the turtleneck become the focal point of your look .

  20. .她认为詹妮弗•洛佩兹和金•卡戴珊都是懂得如何依照自身体型来打扮的女人。她解释说,有一双美腿的女孩应该穿超短裙秀出来,而拥有天鹅般美丽脖颈的女孩就不应该把它藏在高领毛衣里面。

    She cited Jennifer Lopez and Kim Kardashian as women who understood how to dress for their body types , explaining that girls with great legs should bring out the miniskirt , while one with a swan neck , shouldn 't hide it in a

  21. 她认为詹妮弗·洛佩兹和金·卡戴珊都是懂得如何依照自身体型来打扮的女人。她解释说,有一双美腿的女孩应该穿超短裙秀出来,而拥有天鹅般美丽脖颈的女孩就不应该把它藏在高领毛衣里面。

    She cited Jennifer Lopez and Kim Kardashian as women who understood how to dress for their body types , explaining that girls with great legs should bring out the miniskirt , while one with a swan neck , shouldn 't hide it in a turtleneck 。

  22. 2天后将迎来28岁生日的LadyGaga走出纽约公寓时,身着一件超大号黑色高领厚毛衣,黑色宽松裤子和黑色亮面尖头皮靴。

    The mother monster - who will turn 28 in two days - wore a thick oversized polo neck sweater as she emerged from her apartment and black trousers with boots .