
jí línɡ
  • a wagtail
鹡鸰 [jí líng]
  • [wagtail] 鹡鴒科的鸟之任一种,与鹨有亲缘关系,体型纤细,尾特别长,习惯性地上下抖动

  1. 灰鹡鸰繁殖习性的初步观察

    Preliminary studies on the breeding behavior of the eastern grey Wagtail

  2. 新疆的鹡鸰属两个亚种分类的商榷

    On the Taxonomy of two Subspecies of Wagtail from Xinjiang

  3. 一只白色的“鹡鸰”闯进了我们家的窗户。

    A white wagtail crashed into one of my windows .

  4. 一只日本鹡鸰的亲在河流旁边喂它的雏鸟刚出窝了的。

    A parent of Japanese Wagtail gave food to the young one that just left the nest near the river .
