
  • 网络muskrat;muskrat perfume;Muskrat musk
  1. 提示麝鼠香有可能成为代用天然麝香的最佳药物原料。

    This suggests that muskrat may be used as a substitute for musk .

  2. 麝鼠香和天然麝香药理活性的比较研究

    Comparative Studies on the Pharmacological Activities of Muskrat and Musk

  3. 麝鼠香腺泌香的组织学观察

    Histological Observation on Musk - secreting Scented Gland in Musk rat

  4. 结论:麝鼠香有类麝香样抗炎及镇痛作用。

    Conclusion Muskrat and moschus have the same effects of anti-inflammation and analgesia .

  5. 麝鼠香的抗炎、抗凝血作用的实验研究

    Anti-inflammation and anti-coagulation effects of the muskrat musk

  6. 麝鼠香腺发育与活体取香的初步研究

    A preliminary study on the scent gland development and the collection of scent secret in living musk rats

  7. 体外细胞分泌与自然分泌的麝鼠香化学成分比较研究

    Study on the Comparison for the Muskrat Perfume Secretion of Fragrant Gland Cell Cultured in Vitro and that in Nature

  8. 本文通过实验揭示麝鼠香的抗炎、抗凝血作用,并为最终用麝鼠香替代麝香药用奠定基础。

    Objective : To show pharmacology effect on the anti-inflammation and anti-coagulation of muskrat musk to lay foundations for replacing moschus with muskrat musk .

  9. 用天然麝香作对照,大白鼠、小白鼠做实验动物,对麝鼠香由鲜蛋清、二甲苯和冰醋酸引起的急性炎症的抗炎药理进行了实验研究。

    As contrast with natural moschus , taking the Wistar rat and mice as experimental animals , Musk rat anti-acute inflammation caused by fresh egg-albumin , dimethylbenzene and ice-acetum was studied .

  10. 应用二甲苯致炎模型及醋酸所致小鼠腹腔毛细血管通透性增加模型对比观察麝鼠香与麝香的抗炎作用。

    The effects of muskrat and moschus of analgesia were observed by mice inflammation models caused by dimethylbenzene and mice models with reinforce permeability of abdominal cavity capillary caused by acetic acid .