
  • 网络anonymous
  1. FBI逮捕好莱坞明星黑客组织成员

    FBI arrest member of Hollywood hacking ring

  2. 如果真是这样,那将是不可饶恕的,因为黑客组织Anonymous曾发出警告,称将向索尼发起攻击。

    If true , that is inexcusable given that it had been warned it was a target by Anonymous , the activist hacking collective .

  3. 齐向东还表示,奇虎360的天眼实验室已经侦测到了几个APT黑客组织,包括“海莲花”、“宿醉”、“黑暗旅馆”、以及“索伦之眼”。

    Qi also said that several APT hacker organizations were detected by the company 's SkyEye Labs , including OceanLotus , HangOver , DarkHotel and ProjectSauron .

  4. 2011年,黑客组织Anonymous侵入了叙利亚国防部的网站,SEA随即还以颜色,侵入Anonymous的一家网站并挂上一些图片。

    After the hacking group Anonymous claimed in 2011 to have taken down the website of the Syrian defence ministry , the electronic army responded by posting images on an Anonymous website .

  5. 攻击CIA和美国参议院等美国官方网站之后,电脑黑客组织“鲁尔兹安全”(LulzSecurity)称他们将解散。

    A group of computer hackers , known as Lulz Security , say they are disbanding after targeting official American websites , such as the CIA and the US Senate .

  6. 不过,这部剧却用一个配角的名字作为片名。罗伯特先生(Mr.Robot)是一个神秘的地下黑客组织的首领,他招募了奥尔德森,让奥尔德森摧毁雇佣自己的公司,这也让奥尔德森陷入了困境。

    But the show is actually named after a supporting player - Mr Robot - the mysterious leader of an underground hacking collective who recruits Alderson to destroy the company he is paid to protect , putting him between a rock and a hard place .

  7. 一个名为lulzsec的黑客组织声称对这起攻击负责,称ddos是它“威力最小、但最充足的弹药”。

    Responsibility for the breach was claimed by lulzsec , a hacker group that called DDoS its " least powerful and most abundant ammunition " .

  8. 黑客组织匿名(Anonymous)旗下的一个部门利用一份研究报告,对中国烟用香精供应商华宝国际(HuabaoInternational)及其亿万富翁女主席发起攻击,随后华宝国际的股票停牌。

    Huabao International , a Chinese tobacco flavouring supplier , suspended trading of its shares after an offshoot of Anonymous , the hacker group , used a research report to attack the business and its billionaire chairwoman .

  9. 警方表示:在逮捕行动之前,我们调查了针对数家国际企业和情报机构的网络入侵和‘分布式拒绝服务(DDos)’攻击,我们相信它们是同一个黑客组织发动的。

    The arrest follows an investigation into network intrusions and distributed denial of service [ DDoS ] attacks against a number of international business and intelligence agencies by what is believed to be the same hacking group , the police said .

  10. 星期四,破坏索尼影业网络系统,并警告该片不得上映的黑客组织“和平守卫者”(GuardiansofPeace)发来消息,称“我们希望和这部电影相关的一切,包括预告片和完整版都马上从网络上撤下”。

    On Thursday , a message from the Guardians of Peace , the hacker group that breached the computer systems of Sony Pictures and warned against releasing the film , said " we want everything related to the movie , including its trailers , as well as its full version down from any website hosting them immediately . "

  11. 但是现在“匿名者”黑客组织的一个分支将目光对准了新的猎物&明星。

    But an off-shoot of hacking group Anonymous has turned its attention to new prey-celebrities .

  12. 全球的关键性基础设施系统已成为黑客组织最爱攻击的目标。

    Critical infrastructure systems around the globe have become a favorite target of hacker organizations .

  13. 但是现在“匿名者”黑客组织的一个分支将目光对准了新的猎物——明星。

    But an off-shootof hacking group Anonymous has turned its attention to new prey - celebrities .

  14. 地下黑客组织受到打击,新式攻击预示着计算机安全将有所改变

    A shake-up in the hacker underground and fresh attacks suggest change is coming to computer security

  15. 拥有4万名粉丝的名为Ourmine的黑客组织称这起事件为其所为。

    A hacker group called Ourmine , which has more than 40000 Twitter followers , claimed responsibility .

  16. 黑客组织“匿名者”表示将攻击以色列,抗议以色列对巴勒斯坦人民的政策。

    The group anonymous had said it would target the country to protest Israeli policy towards Palestinians .

  17. 黑客组织将目标对准中国

    Hacker group targets China

  18. 该黑客组织使用的口号和“匿名者”一样:“我们永不宽恕,我们永不忘却。”

    The hackers use the same tag lineas Anonymous - ' We never forgive , we never forget . '

  19. “好莱坞泄密”黑客组织在几周前浮出水面,并开始在数个网站上上传明星的信息。

    Hollywood Leaks emerged in the last few weeks and has been posting information on a number of sites .

  20. 该组织在自己的网站上声称,自己是一个与其它黑客组织有联系的网络安全专家联盟。

    That group identifies itself on its website as an alliance of Internet security professionals with links to other hacker groups .

  21. 黑客组织“索伦之眼”起源于西方,专门窃取中国和俄罗斯等国家的机密信息。

    The last one , originating from the West , works on sensitive information theft in countries including China and Russia .

  22. 这些地下黑客组织不光面临着外界压力,在个性和政策上的争执分歧也让自己焦头烂额,引火烧身。

    Amid this pressure the hacker underground , riven by squabbles and splits over personality and policy , has turned on itself .

  23. 扎克曼表示,尽管索尼被轻松拿下,但一般说来,黑客组织的实力还是比较有限的。

    While attacks like the one on Sony can be easy , the muscle power of hacktivist groups is generally limited , says Zuckerman .

  24. 与此同时,东亚黑客组织“黑暗旅馆”则集中从与航空航天有关的中国政府部门和机构中窃取信息。

    East Asia-based DarkHotel , meanwhile , concentrates its efforts on information theft from Chinese government agencies and institutions related to aerospace and aviation .

  25. 一个自称和平卫士黑客组织星期二发表声明,威胁要让观看这部影片的人吃苦头。

    A hacker group calling itself Guardians of Peace on Tuesday released a statement promising a bitter fate to those who attend showings of The Interview .

  26. 这一名为“好莱坞泄密”的黑客组织已经上传了大量明星的电话号码,包括麦莉塞勒斯和阿什丽格林尼的电话号码,还有汤姆克鲁斯的新片、歌舞剧改编电影《摇滚年代》的剧本。

    Hollywood Leaks has already posted aslewof phone numbers including those of Miley Cyrus and Ashley Green and the script of new Tom Cruise musical Rock Of Ages .

  27. 安全专家表示,他们无法证实这一说法的真实性,但他们补充称,该黑客组织作为证据提供的一些数据是可信的。

    Security experts said they could not corroborate the authenticity of the claim , but added that some of the data provided by the hacker group as proof was credible .

  28. 索尼影业今年11月宣布,公司遭受了自称为和平卫士黑客组织的攻击。而在很早以前,索尼的另一个部门就遭遇过网络攻击。

    Long before Sony Pictures Entertainment revealed in November that it had been hacked by a group calling itself the Guardians of Peace , another division of Sony was attacked by cyber attackers .

  29. 在6月13日,土耳其警方逮捕了32名的某黑客组织的成员,他们最近入侵了一系列官方网站,以抗议对日渐增加的网络监管的计划。

    Then on June 13th police in Turkey rounded up another 32 alleged hackers from the group , which had recently attacked a couple of official websites , protesting plans to increase policing of web traffic .

  30. 在本案中,中国的那个黑客组织取得了患者的身份识别数据,如电话号码和社保号码,但没有取得病历信息,而过去中国黑客一般以知识产权为窃取目标。

    In this case the Chinese group has taken patient identification data such as telephone numbers and social security numbers but not medical information , where the hackers have generally stolen intellectual property in the past .