
  • 网络kurosawa;Akira Kurosawa;Kurosawa Akira
  1. 黑泽明,一直是日本电影业中的标志性人物。

    Akira Kurosawa is always a symbolic man in Japanese filmdom .

  2. 在黑泽明最新的武士电影里,你担任什么样的角色?

    SW : What is your involvement with Akira Kurosawa on his new samurai film ?

  3. 黑泽明电影中的农民决定以其之道还治其身。

    17 Kurosawa 's peasants decided to fight fire with fire .

  4. 这是黑泽明导演的第一部武士电影。

    The film was the first samurai movie that Kurosawa ever directed .

  5. 黑泽明拍摄人物的技巧无人能比。

    Nobody could photograph men in action better than Kurosawa .

  6. 影片长达207分钟,这是黑泽明生涯中最长的一部电影。

    At 207 minutes long , it was the longest picture of Kurosawa 's career .

  7. 作为一位导演,他被称为动画界的黑泽明。

    As a director , he is said to be the Akira Kurosawa of animation .

  8. 但是,在国际社会颇受好评的黑泽明却在日本国内遭到了冷落。

    Whereas , Akira Kurosawa in the international community received reputation , but in Japan domestic was snubbed .

  9. 七武士是一部上映于1954年的日本动作情景电影,编剧兼剪辑、导演是黑泽明。

    Seven Samurai is a 1954 Japanese adventure drama co-written , edited , and directed by Akira Kurosawa .

  10. 只有黑泽明(三位导演之中在西方社会最知名,也是最具西方风格的导演)被视为还关注其它问题。

    Only Kurosawa , the most famous in the west and the most western of the three , could be accused of having other concerns .

  11. 黑泽明闻名世界主要是因为他的电影,比如《七武士》和《用心棒》,他是全世界最优秀的电影导演之一。

    Akira Kurosawa is likely most known for his international success with films like Seven Samurai and Yojimbo as well as being one of the best filmmakers in the world .

  12. 日本著名电影导演黑泽明根据莎士比亚的《李尔王》改编成一部电影《乱》,籍此赢得了东方的莎士比亚的美誉。

    Akira Kurosawa , the famous Japanese movie director , adapted Shakespeare 's King Lear for the film Ran and gained the good reputation of " Shakespeare in the East " .

  13. 在剧情上演到第105分钟时,出现一段具有黑泽明武士经典之作中速度和气魄的战争场景,时间持续长达20分钟。语调和节奏上的改变给观众带来一种颇受欢迎的宣泄。

    A change of tone and tempo at105 minutes into the film brings a welcome catharsis with a20-minute extended battle sequence that has the speed and grandeur of Akira Kurosawa 's samurai classics .

  14. 1957年息影之前,她出演了十几部日本电影,其中包括1950年黑泽明的《丑闻》,此外还在好莱坞拍片。

    She appeared in a dozen Japanese films , including Akira Kurosawa 's 1950 film " Scandal , " in addition to her work in Hollywood , before retiring from acting in 1957 .

  15. 黑泽明执导的“七武士”(1954)不仅是一部伟大的电影,而且它开创的风格还席卷了整个世纪。

    Akira Kurosawa 's " The Seven Samurai "( 1954 ) is not only a great film in its own right , but the source of a genre that would flow through the rest of the century .

  16. 黑泽明不仅是一位杰出的导演,同时还是成功的剧作家,他的作品既具有世界性,又极具鲜明的民族特色,是日本电影站上世界舞台的成功经验。

    Akira Kurosawa is not only an outstanding director , but also a successful playwright . His works are international and full of distinctive national features . He opened up the way to the world for Japanese movies .

  17. 前期的黑泽明主体意识突出近乎锋芒毕露,他不愿接受宏观历史文化的制约,而擅长于塑造日本战后坚韧而自立的年轻人形象。

    Earlier , subject consciousness of Akira Kurosawa is prominent and almost incisive . He was unwilling to accept being restricted by macro history and culture , but was gifted at shaping tough and self-supporting young men images in post-war Japan .

  18. 而外在的视觉言说,黑泽明将其电影色彩呈现得绚丽多彩、开阔明朗,并且以色彩的化繁为简来对应和象征生命历经坎坷后的诗意栖居,配合着电影主题最终通往绿色的回归之路。

    On external visual words , Akira Kurosawa makes his films colorful , open and bright , and uses simplifying colour in symbolizing and corresponding to poetic dwelling after bumpy life , which cooperates with the theme of film to the road of regression .

  19. 他对于能把劳伦斯卜洛克的小说搬到中国拍成一部电影的渴望已有十年之久,很像黑泽明将美国作家艾德麦可班恩的小说搬到日本拍成「天国与地狱」一样。

    He 's been thinking for a decade about taking one of Block 's stories , moving it to China , and making a movie of it , much like Akira Kurosawa did with Ed McBain when he set High and Low in Japan .

  20. 虽然箭是由专业射手射出的,但如果敏郎稍微动一下,就可能受伤,这对他来说真是段难忘的经历,当然最后也达到了黑泽明所要的恐惧。

    Although the arrows were being shot by professional marksmen , there was still the risk of injury if Mifune moved an inch , and the experience proved a haunting experience for the actor . However , it certainly got the display of fear across .

  21. 张艺谋和黑泽明不是要赞颂暴力和强权,而是要唤起文化的底蕴和价值:和平、和谐、友谊、相互关心、美丽、纯净和爱。

    Zhang Yimou and Akira kurosawa , far from glorifying violence or the abuse of power , appeal to the values that lie at the foundation of their cultures : peace , harmony , friendship , mutual care , beauty , purity , and love .

  22. 宫崎骏被迪斯尼称为动画界的黑泽明,他在立足日本传统文化的基础上放眼世界,描绘全世界所共同面临和关注的问题,赋予动画作品深邃的灵魂。

    Hayao Miyazaki is called " Akira Kurosawa of animation industry " by Disney . On the ground of Japanese traditional culture , he looks at the world , depicts the problems faced and concerned by the whole world and entrusts his animated works with profound soul .

  23. 这也是黑泽明对男主角三船敏郎的态度,在1961年《蜘蛛巢城》最后某个镜头的拍摄中,黑泽明不满意敏郎对险中箭所表现的恐惧,就决定真的对演员放箭。

    It was this mentality that Kurosawa treated lead actor Toshiro Mifune with during the filming of 1961 's Throne of Blood . Not satisfied with Mifune 's reaction of fear upon nearly getting shot with arrows in one of the later scenes , Kurosawa decided to have real arrows shot at the actor .