- 名black-and-white painting

He liked Chibi 's black and white drawings and put them up on the wall to be admired .
The Application of the Black and White to the Teaching of Engraving Art
Thus , caused him to make the outstanding contribution to the black and white picture art language pure exploration .
Because of the different historical background and cultures , the orient nations and the west nations has their own monochrome art .
Yet the indirect manifestation is most attractive in different black and white manifestations , which puts the object in an interesting and beautiful composition .
Line is one of the basic elements of monochrome pictures . As time goes by , monochrome pictures are popular with people for its special language of the lines .
The appearance of pencils and pens expand the way of expressing for modern monochrome pictures , and plays a important role in combining the orient style and the western style .
From the angle of the language of the sight sense discuss the spirit of the black and white painting . From the experience of the sight sense to the personal emotional experiences .
Scientists asked ten men and ten women to look at dozens of black and white cartoons and rate them on a'funniness scale ' .
Scientists asked ten men and ten women to look at dozens of black and white cartoons and rate them on a ' funniness scale ' .
In many forms of paintings searching series of graduation creation adopt oil painting and black-and-white line drawings techniques whereas the basic idea of creation originates from the love of life and value .
Black and white wood engraving is a unique feature of the plain language of symbols , strength of character straightforward , flat decorative , abstract , and modern aesthetics have had a resonance .
The white and black decoration painting is one kind of art which exhibits the world by two colors of white and black . The inner character and exhibition scope of this kind of art are comprehensive and profound .
Chinese Painting and Woodblock Prints of Black and White Black and White Study of Cross-Relations
Chinese painting in black and white wood engraving and the art of perfecting the system has the performance of methods and techniques .
This article discusses a dialectical point of view of the black-and-white Chinese painting and wood engraving of the cross-cutting nature of the relationship between black and white .
Some people work directly substitute elements of black and white with color drawing simple style , and some works represent the mainstream of contemporary urban color with the vagaries of the gray .
The slanting rays of the setting sun threw the shadows of trees on the stone steps , and as the trees swayed in the breeze , a pattern of light and shade danced over the five steps .
The photographic images show black and white islands forming archipelagos of explicit and implicit meanings that form the imaginary landscapes in a viewer 's mind .
This paper attempts , through the dialectical unity of opposites methods of Chinese painting with black and white black and white painted wood anatomical analysis .