
  • 网络black and white film
  1. 所有展出作品全部是由黑白胶片拍摄并由作者手工放大而成,也表达了其本人对古典摄影工艺的热忱与执着。

    All exhibited photographs were meticulously developed using classic techniques , using black and white film and manual enlargement , which displays his deep interest and talent for film photography .

  2. 彩色图像解码仪是根据母国光教授等人提出的“用黑白胶片拍摄记录彩色图像技术”设计的。

    The color image decoder is designed by means of professor Mu Guoguang 's new idea which is a novel technology recording and displying color image with black and white film .

  3. 老的新闻记录片是黑白胶片拍摄的。

    The old newsreels were filmed in black and white .

  4. 黑白胶片漫射均方根粒度的测定

    The measurement of the diffuse RMS granularity for b / w film

  5. 霉菌对银盐黑白胶片影响的实验研究

    Experimental Study on the Effects of Molds on Silver Halides Black-and-White Films

  6. 阳离子型聚合物对阴离子型染料的脱色作用染料黑白胶片

    Study of decolorization of anionic dyes by using cationic polymer dye-type black-and-white film

  7. 黑白胶片噪声测定方法的研究

    Studies on the method of determination of noise level of black-and-white photographic materials

  8. 黑白胶片感光测定中密度测量的研究

    The Study on The Determination of Transmission Density for Black and White Photographic Films

  9. 染料黑白胶片

    Dye - type B lack-and-white Film

  10. 该系统不仅可采用黑白胶片制作高分辨率灰度掩模板,还可根据彩色灰度等效理论,利用彩色等效胶片实现256灰度级的扩展细分,以进一步提高灰度掩模板制作的分辨率。

    With this system , not only high-resolution grayscale mask can be fabricated with black-white film , but also subdivision with 256 grayscale level can be extended for further improving fabrication resolution of grayscale mask by a color equivalent film based on color grayscale equivalent theory .

  11. 染料型黑白胶片上的画面影像纯粹是由彩色成色剂与通常的彩色显影剂偶合反应生成的染料所构成的,类似于彩色胶片,因此这种胶片可以在任何地方的冲洗店进行冲洗,极为方便。

    Like color films , the picture image formed on dye type black and white film is composed purely of dyes resulted from the coupling reaction of color couplers with conventional color developing agent , thus this kind of films can be easily processed in normal photo laboratories anywhere .

  12. 荧光染色体实验显微摄影黑白感光胶片国产化试验研究

    The Study on Microphotography of Fluorescent Stained-chromosomes by Domestic White-black Film

  13. 黑白染料胶片的现状和前景

    The Present Status and Future Prospects of Chromogenic Black-and-White Photographic Film

  14. 黑白影像胶片用调色剂的最新进展

    New Advancements of Black-and-white Photographic Film Toning Agents

  15. 用三色光栅和黑白感光胶片作彩色摄影术的研究与进展

    The Progress of Technique on Color Photography with Tricolor Grating and Black White Film

  16. 纵论国外黑白照相胶片市场的发展

    An Investigation of Overseas Market of Black - and - white Photo - films

  17. 黑白染料胶片是继彩色胶片之后发展起来的一种新型黑白胶片品种。

    Chromogenic black and white photographic film is a new emergent type of black and white film .

  18. 这道题目的大概意思是:给原先是黑白的胶片上色是不合适的。

    An important part of what gives these movies their identity is the result of the black-and-white format .

  19. 柯达黑白红外胶片经常会愚弄人,因为它对光线及其敏感。

    Kodak B & W Infra Red film is a tricky film to work with as it is so light sensitive .

  20. GB/T9862-1988黑白航空照相胶片感光度和平均斜率测定方法

    Method for determining the speed and average gradient of black-and-white aerial camera films

  21. 天津牌黑白航空复照胶片

    TIANJIN Brand Black-and-white Aerophotography Duplicating Film