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  1. 目的:探讨黧黑斑之研究沿革。

    Objective : To discuss the research evolution of blackish facial patch .

  2. 方法:根据历代文献,考察各个朝代黧黑斑之研究内涵。

    Methods : According the literatures of past dynasties , the research connotations of blackish facial patch in each dynasty were inspected .

  3. 结论:探明黧黑斑的源流,对今后深入研究具有基础性作用。

    Conclusion : Understanding the origin and development of blackish facial patch , it will play a fundamental role in the future in-depth study .

  4. 结果:早在春秋战国时期,对黧黑斑之病名、病因病机、诊断与治法已有初步研究,唯独方药缺如。

    Results : During the Warring States era , the name , etiology , pathogenesis , diagnosis and treatment of blackish facial patch had preliminary study , only formulae and drugs absence .

  5. 现代医家、古人均认为黧黑斑不能忽视内在因素,不能仅仅依靠外治,强调内外合治的重要性。

    Both Modern and Ancient Chinese medicine doctors agree that internal factors cannot be ignored , that external applications cannot solely be relied upon to treat blackish facial patches , and emphasis the importance of internal and external treatment .

  6. 方法:文献综述:整理中医文献中有关黧黑斑的资料,归纳总结病名演化、病因病机、证治规律。

    Method : Summary of related documents : Arrangement of data relating to blackish facial patches in Chinese medical literature , to induce an understanding of the evolution of the condition , etiology and pathogenesis , and methods of treatment .

  7. 至解放后,尤其上世纪80年代以来,随着中医美容学的兴起,黧黑斑研究无论在形式和内涵上都取得了前所未有的进展。

    Until the liberation , especially since the 80s of the last century , with the rise of cosmetology in traditional Chinese medicine , the research on blackish facial patch both in form and content dark blotches has achieved unprecedented progress .
