  • soft-shell turtle
  • 大鳖:~鱼。癞头~。~鸣鳖应(喻一唱一应)。

  1. 重要动物骨骼有鹿角、鼋甲、陆龟等。

    Important animal bone remains including antler , soft-shelled turtle and tortoise .

  2. 滩坑水电站下游为国家一级保护水生动物鼋的保护区。

    The downstream reach of Tankeng Hydropower Station is a key protection area of Pelochely bibroni .

  3. 制作时将新鲜鼋裙边改刀切成长方块,用开水氽透,捞出;

    Power production will be fresh cut skirts to grow up to box , use boiling water boil for a short time through , remove ;

  4. 就拿“鼋渚春涛”一景举例,在风和日丽的时候,太湖平静无波,如天上落下的一面宝镜;

    For example , at " Turtle Islet Spring Waves " on a fine , sunny day , Taihu Lake becomes serene and tranquil like a jeweled mirror fallen from heaven ;

  5. 中国国家博物馆近期收藏的青铜器作册般鼋上的铭文反映了商王进行射礼的事实,而不是记载普通的田猎。

    The inscriptions on the bronze shaped like tortoise collected by Chinese National Museum recently is not the records of ordinary hunting , but the archery rites in the late Shang dynasty .