
  • 网络Qilu Bank
  1. 在此基础上对齐鲁银行做了一个具体的SWOT分析。

    On this basis , we make a SWOT analysis for QILU Bank .

  2. 然后将其具体地运用到齐鲁银行,测算评价其现实核心竞争力。

    Then its concrete application to Qilu bank , estimates the real competitiveness evaluation .

  3. DEA结果显示,山东省城商行经营效率总体处于攀升阶段,日照银行、齐鲁银行和莱商银行的MTFP指数位居前列,这与因子分析的结果一致。

    DEA results implies that the overall efficiency of urban commercial banks within Shandong province is operating in the rising phase , which is consistent with the result of factor analysis .

  4. 齐鲁银行“知识产权质押融资业务”被视为破解科技型中小企业融资难题的一次大胆尝试。

    It is regarded as a bold attempt in solving the financing problems of high-tech SMEs .

  5. 本期人民币理财产品预期收益率仅供客户参考,并不作为齐鲁银行向客户支付理财收益的承诺;

    The predict RMB investment product yield here is only a reference , it won 't be the promise of benefit payment to client .

  6. 2009年上半年宁波银行上海分行存款诈骗案以及2010年年底齐鲁银行巨额贷款诈骗案都说明了城商行的内控和风险管理存在一定的问题。

    The first half of 2009 Ningbo Bank , Shanghai Branch deposit fraud and the end of 2010 Qilu Bank huge loans bank fraud were indicative of city commercial banks there are certain internal control and risk management issue .

  7. 通过对国内外网上银行业务的发展现状的分析,结合齐鲁银行网上银行业务发展的实际情况,指出齐鲁银行网上银行产品结构优化的必要性。

    Through the analysis of the current conditions of the domestic and overseas online banking and the realistic condition of Qilu Bank online banking , the thesis points out the necessity of the optimization of Qilu Bank online banking product structure .

  8. 山东省金融发展水平全国领先,已经设立了齐鲁银行等14家城市商业银行,数量位居全国首位,但是资产不足和风险过高等问题为我们敲响了警钟。

    The financial level of Shandong Province is leading in the whole country , and 14 urban commercial banks including Qilu bank have already been established , which makes the number ranks first in China . But the lack of assets and the high risks wake us up .

  9. 本课题在齐鲁商业银行的综合信息平台的基础,对平台中的个人信用风险评估进行了深入探讨研究,提出了一个基于粗糙集和支持向量机的个人信用评估系统模型。

    The subject of the Qilu commercial banks based integrated information platform , the platform of the individual credit risk assessment study conducted in-depth research , is proposed based on support vector machine model of individual credit risk assessment system .

  10. 个人客户持现金或活期储蓄存折、齐鲁卡申请签发银行汇票可以到我行任何一家分支机构办理。

    Individual client can apply for the bank draft in any branch of our bank with cash or passbook of current deposit and Qilu card .