
chǐ quān
  • Ring gear;gear ring;geared ring;tooth ring
齿圈[chǐ quān]
  1. 一种大型齿圈齿形加工的新方法

    A new method for cutting the profile of tooth of large gear ring

  2. 矫正淬火在大型传动齿轮箱内齿圈渗碳淬火变形控制中的应用

    Rectification Hardening Application in Case Hardening Deformation Control for Inner Gear Ring of Large Driving Gearbox

  3. AutoCAD在小模数内齿圈的冷挤压模具加工中的应用

    The Application of Cold Extrusion Die of Small Module Gear with AutoCAD

  4. 使用有限元分析法对拨叉零件的精冲过程中V形齿圈对冲剪面的影响进行了研究。

    The effect V-ring indenter on the sheared surface in the fine blanking of shifting fort is investigated by means of finite element method .

  5. 利用Deform-2D对V形齿圈的不同位置和高度进行了模拟,将获得模拟结果与实验结果进行了比较。

    Different position and height of V-ring indenter is simulated by Deform-2D software , compared simulation result with experimental result .

  6. 然后,根据以上变速器的设计参数,用UG三维建模软件对整个变速器进行建模,建模内容包括太阳轮,行星轮,齿圈,行星架,同步器,并对整个变速器简易模型进行装配。

    The modeling includes sun wheel , planetary wheel , ring gear , planetary frame , synchronizer , and then assemble the simple model of the transmission .

  7. 进一步采用电动机带动齿圈转动模拟轮速信号,轮速传感器接收并传送到ABS模块,通过压力传感器测试各轮缸压力变化值。

    Then electromotor drive the toothed exciter wheels , wheel speed sensors bring the signal to the ABS ECU , finally pressure sensors test the variability of pressure of every wheel pumps ;

  8. 利用对比试样对环形焊缝和筒形焊缝进行了具体实验研究,得到了最佳检测工艺参数,并在此参数下对齿圈实施了超声波水浸C扫描检测,获得了满意的结果。

    Compared to the use of the sample tube and weld seam ring for specific experimental studies , has been the best detection process parameters , and the parameters of the implementation of ring the ultrasonic immersion C-Scan detection , was satisfied with the results .

  9. 安装在轮毂上的齿圈随车轮旋转,轮速传感器拾取旋转动作转化为电信号传递给ECU。

    While the toothed ring mounted on the hub circumvolving , the wheel speed sensor picks up the rotary motion , translates it into electronic signal for the ECU .

  10. 单齿圈行星轮3K型减速器的配齿计算方法

    A Method to Calculate The Number of Mating Gear Teeth in Designing single Rim 3K Type Planetary Gear Reducer

  11. 通过研究非圆行星齿轮机构的运动关系,建立太阳轮与内齿圈的节曲线关系方程及数学模型,运用MATLAB求解模型并绘制出节曲线图形。

    The paper sets the function about sun gear and internal ring gear of the pitch curve and makes the mathematical model , which solved by MATLAB software and displayed by picture , by studying the non-circular planetary gear mechanism of the movement .

  12. 在对汽车防抱死系统性能要求日益提高的今天,ABS齿圈的高精度生产及其各部分参数的高精度检测,已成为汽车工业的重心之一。

    In the day of increasing requirements of the ABS system performance , precision testing of the parameters of ABS gear as well as its precision production has become One of the important parts of the automotive industry .

  13. 以n阶椭圆组成的连续光滑的封闭曲线作为太阳轮的节曲线,依据非圆行星轮系的基本运动关系建立了其配偶内齿圈节曲线设计的数学模型。

    The continuing velvet close curve of being composed of the n-order ellipse is acted as the pitch curve of the solar wheel . In terms of the basic sport relation of non-circular planet wheel system , the mathematic model of the pitch curve design is found .

  14. 后采用PAG水溶性聚合物喷淬,并进行了加热工艺和聚合物浓度方面的试验,既达到了齿圈的技术要求,又消除了淬火裂纹。

    After the ring gear is jet quenched by using PAG aqueous soluble polymer and the test for both heat process and polymer concentration are made , the specification of the ring gear is satisfied and quenching crack is eliminated .

  15. 齿圈激光表面相变硬化处理技术研究

    Studies on Technology of Transformation Hardening On Laser Surface of Ring-gear

  16. 变速传动轴承内齿圈齿廓方程的分析

    The Tooth Profile Equation of the Internal of Shifting Drive Bearing

  17. 行星齿轮内齿圈的多柔体动力学分析

    Multi-deformable-body dynamics analysis on the ring gear of planetary gear set

  18. 计入齿圈柔性的直齿行星传动动力学建模

    Dynamic Modeling for Spur Planetary Gear Transmission with Flexible Ring Gear

  19. 改进齿圈结构提高铸造性能

    Structural Improvement of Ring Gear for the Increase of Casting Property

  20. 大型对开组合齿圈工艺设计分析及其最优化

    Analysis of Technological Design on Large Separable Ring-gear and Its Optimization

  21. 飞轮齿圈总成自动平衡去重机的研究与开发自动检重秤

    Research and Development of Flywheel Ring Gear Assembly Automatic Weight Counterbalance Machine

  22. 粉末冶金钻夹头齿圈的开发

    Development of p / m ring gear of drill gripper

  23. 大型齿轮内齿圈端面淬火机床的数控化改造

    Large Gear Inside the Gear End of the Transformation Hardening Machine CNC

  24. 柔性齿圈载荷分布的研究及结构设计

    Structure design and study of load distribution on toothed crown

  25. 回转窑传动齿圈振动分析及处理方法

    Analyse of kiln drive ring gear vibration and the measures

  26. 轴承钢内齿圈冷挤压模具及变形力分析

    Analyses of Cold Extrusion Die for Bearing Steel Annular Gear

  27. 带冷机传动链轮齿圈的剖分组装

    Subdivision assembling for gear ring of drive chain wheel in straight cooler

  28. 大型齿圈齿面修磨技术

    Grinding Technique for Repairing Tooth Surface of Large Ring Gearing

  29. 重型汽车内齿圈气体氮碳共渗质量分析

    The Quality Analysis for Gas Nitrocarburized Inner Gear Ring of Heavy Truck

  30. 制造误差对三牙轮钻头齿圈啮合的影响

    Influence of Manufacturing Errors on Tooth Row Intermesh of Three Cone Bits