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  1. 博鳌亚洲论坛4月18日发布的报告指出,今年亚洲经济增速有望达到6.5%以上,亚洲将成为全球可持续复苏的重要引擎。《亚洲经济前景及一体化进程(AsianEconomicOutlookandIntegrationProgress)》报告指出,

    The growth rate of the Asian economy in 2021 is expected to reach at least 6.5 percent and Asia should be a major engine for sustainable global recovery , according to reports released by the Boao Forum for Asia ( BFA ) Sunday .

  2. 采用大流量采样器,2003年春季(4月18日阴天,5月6日晴天)对成都市东郊大气颗粒物进行了研究,测定颗粒物浓度和Pb、Cd、Hg、As浓度。

    The study is focused on atmosphere particles in eastern suburb of Chengdu in Spring 2003 ( cloudy , April 18 ; Sunny , May 6 ), adopting collecting sample appliance of large flow .

  3. 刚开始,在4月18日市警察局门外和4月25日巴尔的摩市政厅,只有几场非暴力示威。4月27日,Gray的葬礼之后,事情就愈演愈劣。

    However , while there were a couple of peaceful protests outside the local police station on April 18th and the Baltimore City Hall on April 25th , things really escalated a few hours after Gray 's funeral on April 27th .

  4. (xviii)计算机软件著作权登记收费项目和标准(1992年4月18日)

    ( xviii ) The Item and Standard of Registration Expenses of Computer Software ( 18 April 1992 )

  5. 这是2009年4月18日的电台广播稿。现在是VOA慢速英语节目:词语和它们背后的故事。

    Transcript of radio broadcast : 18 April 2009 Now , the VOA Special English program , Words and Their Stories .

  6. 以2002年4月18日LANDSATTM/ETM+多时相、高分辨率遥感数据为主要数据源,对黄河三门峡至小浪底区间暴雨致洪水文下垫面进行调查。

    An investigation was conducted on the hydrological underlying surface for rain-induced floods from Sanmenxia to Xiaolangdi in the mid-lower reaches of the Yellow River by means of the multiple time-phase , high-resolution remote sensing data of Landsat TM / ETM ~ + .

  7. 为了吸引中国观众,DMG准备在中国市场特别推出3D版《超验黑客》,而且4月18日影片会在美国和中国院线同步首映,这是罕见之举,因为电影制片商对盗版问题通常存在很深忧虑。

    To target the Chinese market , they 're planning a 3-D version of ' Transcendence ' to be exclusively released in China , as well as a synced debut with the U.S. on April 18 -- a rare move , given high levels of concern about piracy among studios .

  8. 中止后首次死刑于4月18日执行。

    The first execution after the pause took place on April 18th .

  9. 停播中的吸血鬼日记第四季将于美国时间4月18日回归。

    The Vampire Diaries Season 4 is on hiatus until April 18 .

  10. 但这些源源流入的大洋将于4月18日断流。

    But that golden flow will end April 18 .

  11. 今天是4月18日,对于全世界数以百万计人而言这是个不错的周五。

    It 's April , 18 , Good Friday for millions of people worldwide .

  12. 本公司相信,4月18日寄出的纪念品必已收到。

    We trust that the samples of souvenirs sent on the18th April have reached you .

  13. 现代物理学之父爱因斯坦于1955年4月18日逝世。他以《狭义相对论》等著作闻名。

    Father of modern physics Albert Einstein died on april18th.he is famous for his special theory of relativity etc.

  14. 4月18日~5月16日木槿上棉蚜种群增长模型为线性模型;

    The growth model for Aphis gossypii population on Hibiscus syriacus from April 18 to May 16 was linear .

  15. 演唱会时间为美国东部标准时间周六4月18日晚上8点,会在电视和社交媒体上直播。

    The concert will be broadcast live on TV and on social media Saturday , April 18 at 8 p.m. ET.

  16. 国务院忙于应付北朝鲜人要求4月18日举行的停战委员会会议。

    The State Department was preoccupied with a meeting of the Armistice Commission called by the North Koreans for April 18 .

  17. 1906年4月18日,加州圣安德烈亚斯断层引发旧金山了近60秒钟的可怕地震。

    April 18 , 1906 , California 's San Andreas Fault snaps , shaking San Francisco for nearly 60 terrifying seconds .

  18. 奇观:婚礼有两个仪式——4月18日的民政仪式以及其后一天的这次天主教仪式。

    Spectacle : There were two ceremonies - a civil one on April 18 and this Catholic ceremony the following day .

  19. 自2007年4月18日,我国铁路实施第六次大面积提速和新的列车运行图。

    From April 18,2007 , the sixth " speed boost " of Chinese railway and the new train diagram were put into effect .

  20. 4月18日,珠穆朗玛峰上的一场雪崩造成16名夏尔巴人遇难。

    Bei einem Lawinenungl ü ck am 18 . April kommen am Mount Everest 16 Sherpas - nepalesische Bergf ü hrer - ums Leben .

  21. 部分报考成都2009年4月18日考试的考生的口试将安排在2009年4月17日(星期五)进行。

    The interview time for some candidates registered for the18th April , 2009 test in Chengdu will be arranged on Friday17th April , 2009 .

  22. 但是,1955年4月18日,病理学家托马斯·哈维走进普林斯顿大学医院的停尸间,爱因斯坦的这一愿望便落空了。

    But when pathologist Dr. Thomas Harvey walked into the Princeton morgue on April 18 , 1955 , all of that went out the window .

  23. 博鳌亚洲论坛年会定于4月18日至21日在海南省举行,参会人员将超4000人。

    Over 4000 people will attend the Boao Forum for Asia 's annual conference , which is scheduled for April 18 to 21 in Hainan Province .

  24. 1958年4月18日,英、新代表签署《关于新加坡自治宪法草案》,英国政府同意新加坡成立自治邦。

    The representatives from both sides signed Pre-independence State of Singapore Constitution on 18 April 1958 , British Government agreed to set up a self-governing state of Singapore .

  25. 4月18日,普利策奖迎来了100周年,这个奖每年颁发,表彰优秀的新闻报道和文化艺术作品。

    Monday marked the 100th year of the Pulitzer Prize , which is awarded annually for excellence injournalism and the arts . The 2016 Pulitzer Prizes for Journalism ▌

  26. 他最后一次领衔得分榜是97-98赛季常规赛的最后一天(1998年4月18日),当时他35岁60天。

    He last led the league in PPG on the last day of the 1997-98 regular season ( April 18th 1998 ) , at 35 years and 60 days old .

  27. 这一天是1906年4月18日,大地震动,屋顶突然分裂,高楼大厦轰然坍倒,人们纷纷从屋里逃出,冲上街头。

    The date was 18th April , 1906 . The earth shook and the roof suddenly divided , buildings crashed to the ground and people rushed out into the streets .

  28. 中国科技公司乐视(LeEco)成为最新一家挤入市场的竞争者,在4月18日宣布了全电动概念车LeSEE。

    LeEco , a Chinese tech company , became the latest to enter the space , last week [ of Apr 18 ] announcing a new all-electric concept car christened LeSEE .

  29. 京沪高速铁路是预定在中国北京市与上海市之间兴建的一条高速铁路客运专线,与现有京沪铁路大体平行,正线全长约1318千米。该工程已于2008年4月18日正式开工,预计2013年投入运营。

    The Beijing-Shanghai High-speed Railway is one of China 's plans for high-speed trains . Construction started on April 18 , 2008 , and is planned to be finished in 2013 .

  30. 世界科学记者联盟4月18日在澳大利亚墨尔本宣布,英国伦敦将承办2009年的世界科学记者大会。

    The United Kingdom will host the next World Conference of Science Journalists in2009 , the World Federation of Science Journalists announced in Melbourne , Australia today ( 18 April ) .