
The size of the test block was 100 × 100 × 50cm .
Its real time accuracy is better than 1m , and the postprocessing accuracy is 40 ~ 50cm .
Results as follow : Seeding in late September and transplanting density as 50cm × 30cm is better ; plant regulation .
Marmots stand at around 18cm tall and reach up to 50cm in length .
At 42cm high and 50cm wide , it is so large that a few people compared it to a giant leather bin liner .
Since a lot of billboards in France are gigantic , we want to limit their dimensions to 50cm by 70cm .
And the logarithmic models of vegetation supply water index method has better performance in estimating the deepness of 20 ~ 50cm of soil moisture than others for highly covered soil .
20 years above 10 years . 6 Catalase in different depth in general have surface to deep gradually reduce the rule , in different depth , the surface is highest , enzyme activity , 40 ~ 50cm minimum .
The results showed that ~ ( 15 ) N recovery in the first crop of single late-rice was 37.02 % , the ~ ( 15 ) N residue rates was 25.81 % in 0 ~ 50cm soil .
Conclusions were as follow : 1 . The average value of soil water content of 0 ~ 50cm soil layer in the test area all gradually increases from top to bottom , and their variation coefficients all belong to strong variation .
The ground temperature is low at the depth of ? 0 ~ 50cm in the different topographic area of the Mat Cryic Cambisols , and southern slope fields > valley plain > northern slope fields .
Animal rights activists now want Arturo - whose only access to cooling water in his enclosure is said to be a pool just 20in ( 50cm ) deep - moved to another zoo that offers cooler conditions .
It measured 50cm ( 20in ) deep , 25cm ( 10in ) high , 45cm ( 18in ) wide and sits 89cm ( 35in ) above the floor .
The results , which were obtained by testing and investigating the actual loss by damaging , indicated that the amount of leaves eaten reaches 35 % which is at economic injury level , namely , 4 larvae on a standard branch ( 50cm ) reach management index .