
  • A-share;stocks bought/sold in RMB
  1. 该公司已聘请内地经纪公司中信证券(citicsecurities)担任a股上市顾问。

    The company has hired CITIC Securities , a mainland broker , to advise on an A-share listing .

  2. 据汤姆森金融(thomsonfinancial)的数据显示,在过去12个月内的113例a股发行中,有三分之一以上的股票在上市首日上涨超过一倍。

    Over the past 12 months , more than a third of the 113 offerings on the A-share market more than doubled in value on their debut , according to data from Thomson Financial .

  3. 衡量a股对h股平均溢价水平的恒生ah股溢价指数(hangsengchinaahpremiumindex),一直以来都出了名的波动。

    The average premium of a shares over H shares , as measured by the Hang Seng China ah premium index , is notoriously volatile .

  4. 这些措施可能包括允许一系列大型企业在a股市场进行大规模首次公开发行(ipo),以吸收市场的部分流动性。

    Measures could include allowing a series of large IPOs in Shanghai , which are designed to draw some of the liquidity from the market .

  5. 更进一步的是,两地官员正在研究沪港证交所联合交易的可能性,并推出一个追踪a股和h股价差的指数。

    Going further still , officials on both sides of the border are mulling the possibility of joint trading on both exchanges , while a new index will track the differential between a and H-shares .

  6. 张灼华表示,香港机构的qfii配额有限,所以它们无法直接投资内地上市的a股。

    MS Lam said Hong Kong institutions have a limited QFII quota so they cannot invest directly in China-listed A-shares .

  7. 野村拥有一张qfii牌照,目前正将这张牌照用于这只新基金这意味着,它可以自由购买a股股票。

    Nomura has a QFII licence and is using it in this fund , meaning it is free to buy a shares .

  8. 恒生ah股溢价指数在2008年1月达到208的高点,意味着当时a股平均比h股贵一倍。

    The Hang Seng China ah premium index reached a high of 208 in January 2008 , with a shares more than double the price of H shares at the time .

  9. 批准更多的qdii额度,应该会加大市场流动性,有助于缩减a股与h股间的估值差距。

    The approval of more QDII quotas should drive market liquidity and help reduce the valuation gap between a and H shares .

  10. 上周四,在美联储(fed)前任主席艾伦格林斯潘(alangreenspan)发出警告,称中国市场即将出现大幅回调之后,a股市场几乎没有变化。

    Last Thursday , after Alan Greenspan , former US Federal Reserve Chairman , warned that the Chinese market was due for a dramatic correction , the A-share market barely moved .

  11. 摩根士丹利(morganstanley)经济学家娄刚(jerrylou)表示:“长期来看,我们相信,它最终会降低a股市场的波动性,增加机构对a股市场的参与。”

    Jerry Lou , an economist at Morgan Stanley , says : " in the long term , we believe it will result in lower volatility and greater institutional participation in the A-share market . "

  12. a股市场绝非一个小型本地市场,它的总规模位居全球第二,仅次于纽约证交所(nyse)。

    Far from a being a niche local market , the total A-shares market is the second largest in the world , with only the New York Stock Exchange surpassing it .

  13. 该公司旗下的中华abh股基金(chinaabhshares)主要投资于在内地a股市场上市的中国企业,自7年前发行以来,回报率已超过900%。

    One of its funds , China ABH shares , which invests primarily in Chinese companies listed on the mainland A-share market , has seen a return of more than 900 per cent since it was launched seven years ago .

  14. 中国限制外资投资沪深股票市场上以人民币计价的股票(即a股),仅允许那些拥有合格境外机构投资者(qfii)牌照的公司购买这些股票。

    China restricts foreign investment in renminbi-denominated stocks listed on the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets , known as a shares , by limiting buying to those groups with a qualified foreign institutional investor licence .

  15. 他同时重申,中国正考虑推出在港挂牌交易的、跟踪国内a股指数的交易所交易基金(etf)产品,并批准更多以人民币计价的债券和股票赴港上市。

    He also reiterated promises that China is considering introducing Hong Kong-listed ETF products that would track the domestic a share index , as well as sanctioning more renminbi-denominated bonds and shares in the city .

  16. 普华永道(pwc)的分析师认为,如果全球经济没有进一步恶化,上海股市在未来6个月内将再举行8宗a股发行活动,而深圳将有46宗,香港有32宗。

    Analysts at PwC believe that , providing the global economy does not deteriorate further , Shanghai will host another eight A-share offerings over the next six months , its mainland rival Shenzhen a further 46 and Hong Kong an extra 32 .

  17. 瑞银集团(ubs)新兴市场策略主管乌萨马希马尼(oussamahimani)表示,只有收益增长预期“非常乐观”,才能证明a股目前的股价水平是合理的。

    Oussama Himani , head of emerging market strategy at UBS , said a shares were trading at levels that could only be justified by " very optimistic " earnings growth expectations .

  18. 对这些拥有a股的企业,回购是一种选择。

    For these A-share companies , buy-backs are one option .

  19. 总的来说,国际投资者无法在a股市场买或卖。

    The A-share market is not generally available for either buying or selling .

  20. 但是,随着h股的价格优势消失,a股再度领先。

    But having let H-shares close the gap , A-shares powered ahead again .

  21. 承销以人民币计价的a股是一份好差事。

    Underwriting domestic currency A-share issues is nice work .

  22. 上海a股的上市规模仍未确定。

    The size of a Shanghai A-share listing has yet to be decided .

  23. 话虽如此,今年a股市场的道路将更加崎岖。

    That said , the market is in for a rockier ride this year .

  24. 该公司将保留以人民币计价的a股。

    The company will maintain its A-share listing , which is denominated in Renminbi .

  25. 至于投资收入亦会受惠a股市场创新高而造好。

    Moreover , investment income will also increase as mainland A-share market marked record high .

  26. 目前上市b股有109只,其中约85只同时还有以人民币计价的a股。

    There are 109 listed B-shares , around 85 of which also have renminbi-denominated A-shares .

  27. 上市以来,太平洋保险a股价格上涨20.6%,昨日达到了36.19元人民币。

    The A shares have since risen 20.6 per cent to reach RMB 36.19 yesterday .

  28. 去年秋季,上海a股的市盈率一度达到50倍的峰值水平。

    Shanghai A-shares sported a price / earnings ratio of 50 at the peak last autumn .

  29. 最初,该基金的a股比例预计在10%左右。

    Initially , the fund will have about 10 per cent of its holdings in A-shares .

  30. 香港居民将获准直接从中资证券公司的分支机构购买a股。

    This will allow individuals to buy a shares directly from subsidiaries of mainland security companies .