
  • 网络阿里斯托芬;亚里斯多芬;阿里斯多芬
  1. Aristophanes allows women to be another social counteractive power , and encourages equality between the sexes .


  2. This paper mainly studies the features of the farmer in Aristophanes ' works and the function of the image of farmer to audience .


  3. Aristophanes is the one who created the original or the initial prejudice against Socrates .


  4. What was that prejudice that Aristophanes ? this comic poet had created ?


  5. Section two describes the portrayal of homosexuality in the drama of Attica terracotta and Aristophanes .


  6. Reference he makes to a comic poet yes a comic poet an unequivocal reference to the playwright Aristophanes whose name I have put up on the board .


  7. The allusion to Aristophanes and the comic poet is a part of what Plato calls in Book X of the Republic the old quarrel between philosophy and poetry .


  8. While the other Phi Beta Kappas are trudging through their Aristophanes , his character is hitting the parties , making contacts and making history .


  9. We don 't know the real Socrates , all we know of Socrates is what we read in Plato and Aristophanes and a small number of others who have sketched various different pictures of him .


  10. In this to accommodate the17,000 people theatre have been staged countless field Aeschylus , sophocles , and Euripides tragedy works and aristophanes 's comedies .


  11. His challenge to the poets is in a way the basis for the resentment that is built up against him in that Aristophanes and what he calls the earlier accusers have brought to bear .


  12. The first great dramatists ( Aeschylus , Sophocles , Aristophanes ), the greatest sculptors in history ( Phidias ), and Socrates all lived in Athens in the5th century BC .


  13. I won 't pause here to defend the pro found instincts of Aristophanes against such attacks but shall proceed to demonstrate the close affinity between Socrates and Euripides , as their contemporaries saw them .


  14. The unerring instinct of Aristophanes was surely right when it included Socrates himself , the tragedy of Euripides , and the music of the New Dithyrambic poets in the same feeling of hatred , recognizing in all three phenomena the signs of a degenerate culture .
