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  • abbr.拍频振荡器(Beat Frequency Oscillator);拍频振荡(Beat Frequency Oscillation);燃料油舱(Bunker Fuel Oil)
  1. An Approach of Step by Step Dividing Use Case Based on BFO


  2. Characteristics of BFO algorithm is valuable for solving multi-objectives and tasks distribution optimization problems .


  3. The bacterial foraging optimization ( BFO ) is studied and improved in this paper .


  4. The growth of BFO on GaN ( 0002 ) substrate was studied .


  5. However , the accuracy of the original BFO algorithm is not high ; the convergence rate is no fast enough .


  6. It was found that the leakage currents for all the BFO films increase with the increase of annealing temperature .


  7. The impurity formation and the abnormal grain growth phenomenon in BFO thin films were inhibited by introducing BLT layer .


  8. Bacterial Foraging Optimization ( BFO ) is a recently developed swarm intelligence algorithm based on the foraging behavior of E. coli bacteria .


  9. Therefore , it is highly important to thoroughly apply the BFO into the living and production , analyze and improve the original algorithm of BFO .


  10. Compared to the content of Fe2 + in BFO , Mn substitution can suppress the generation of Fe2 + .


  11. Using XRD to determine the effects on lattice constant of the BFO layer and achieved the adjustment of BFO film strain through the buffer layer .


  12. However , the two materials have different lattice structure and non-compatible growth processes , the realization of BFO epitaxially grown on GaN faces a series of technical problems .


  13. Based on the successful fabrication of pure phase BFO target , we further deposited BFO thin films using RF-magnetron sputtering , and obtained the optimal fabrication parameters .


  14. These conclusions validated the effect of the STO / TiO2 double buffer layers preliminarily , and laid the foundation of BFO & GaN integration . 2 .


  15. It was found that the self-polarization in the pure BFO film is mainly induced by the epitaxial stress between LNO electrode and BFO film .


  16. This paper attempts to build the BFO algorithm not only has some innovation in method , but also has some sense of the theoretical innovation with more positive thinking for the existing smart computing reference .


  17. Therefore , how to control leakage current and lower coercive field are the critical factors to enhance the ferroelectric properties of the BFO films and for the applications of BFO in devices .


  18. It could be realized that the BFO ( 111 ) thin films epitaxially grown on GaN substrate by inserting the STO / TiO2 double buffer layers .


  19. The influence of annealing temperature on the self-polarization of BFO film as well as the effect of ions substitution on the self-polarization of BFO-based films were discussed .


  20. Therefore , this dissertation focuses on the study of the preparations and properties of BFO based ceramics and thin films in the following aspects and some original novel results had been obtained as follows : 1 .


  21. In this thesis , we systematically study the growth of BFO on GaN by pulsed laser deposition technique , providing a basis of practical utilization of the BFO / GaN integrated films . 1 .


  22. We have successfully prepared BFO / BTO / SRO / STO and BFO / STO / SRO / STO two kinds of multilayer structure epitaxial thin films .


  23. Moreover , dielectric , ferroelectric and leakage characteristics test results show that the buffer layer has a significant impact on the characteristics of the BFO thin film dielectric constant , remanent polarization , coercive field and leakage current .


  24. In such synthesis , 2-nitroaniline or its derivatives is used as reacting agent and sodium hypochlorite as oxidant in the catalysis of alkali metal hydrates to synthesize BFO or its derivatives .


  25. With the continuous perfection of BFO algorithm theory and the development of computer technology , it is becoming more and more popular in the control field and being used to solve optimization problems . It has gradually shown its great vitality and extensive application prospect .


  26. Superior ferroelectric properties with the remanent polarizations ( Pr ) of about 100 μ C / cm2 have been observed in polycrystalline and epitaxial BFO films deposited using pulsed-laser deposition , sputtering and metal organic chemical vapor deposition .


  27. However , due to the large lattice mismatch of BFO and GaN in the relationship , BFO films grown in island mode . So , the BFO films were polycrystalline and had a large number of defects , showing poor electrical properties .


  28. The BFO / STO / TiO2 / AlGaN / GaN heterostructure was prepared and the effect of ferroelectric performance of the epitaxial BFO thin films on the intrinsic electrical properties of AlGaN / GaN was explored preliminarily .


  29. To resolve these problems , four basic behaviors of the BFO algorithm behavior has been redefined and improved , and new concepts was introduced to improve the process of the entire algorithm . The improved BFO algorithm is called Advanced BFO algorithm ( ABFO ) .


  30. The results showed that in the presence of initiating agent BFO , MAA grafted PP ( MAA - g - PP ) and MAH grafting PP ( MAH - g - PP ) could be prepared by the solid phase grafting technology .
