Bad debt reserve

Bad debt reserveBad debt reserve
  1. Bad Debt Reserve System & A Key Means for Banks to Reduce Risks


  2. The bad debt reserve system is one core of the management system in finance enterprises .


  3. Differences in Dealing with Accounting and Taxing for Bad Debt Reserve and Tax Adjustment


  4. Commercial banks should draw bad debt reserve funds to reverse the bad debt in accordance with relevant state regulations .


  5. Fifth , prudent accounting principles will be adopted , and a complete system for withdrawing and writing off bad debt reserve fund established .


  6. A financial enterprise does not have to set aside bad debt reserve for any entrusted loans , of which it does not bear the risk .


  7. If such factors as increases in business tax and in the drawing of bad debt reserve requirement are taken into account , State-owned commercial banks would have recorded greater profits last year .


  8. Our country earliest proposed the rules of bad debt reserve extraction in 《 Joint-stock pilot enterprise accounting system 》 which is executed in 1992 , but had not made compulsory requirements .


  9. The results showed which non-interest income rate , net interest income rate , margin , and capital adequacy ratio is rose , while decline of bad debt reserve fund rate and bad loans rate with foreign banks to enter the deepening .
