Battle of Midway

美 [ˈbætl əv ˌmɪdˈweɪ]英 [ˈbætl ɒv ˌmɪdˈweɪ]
  • 中途岛战役(1942年6月3—5日日本与美国发生的一次海战)
Battle of MidwayBattle of Midway
  1. The Battle of Midway began on June 3 , 1942 .


  2. Already , in June 1942 , the Japanese had lost the decisive Battle of Midway .


  3. The turning point came in June nineteen forty-two in the central Pacific in the great battle of Midway Island .


  4. So far as our army is concerned , this change is most significant . The turning point came in June nineteen forty-two in the central Pacific in the great battle of Midway Island .


  5. But the Mediterranean was , ultimately , an Anglo-German diversion . In the world struggle there had been a major setback for Japan at the battle of Midway ,


  6. The battle of Midway , arguably the defining naval engagement between Japan and America , gets two pages . At other times , there is too much detail : a succession of generals , armies and battles come and go .
