Beijing Jiaotong University

  • 网络北京交通大学
Beijing Jiaotong UniversityBeijing Jiaotong University
  1. Operating subsidies in public transport ; Beijing Jiaotong University , School of Economics and Management


  2. This presentation will also introduce some applications and basic theoretical research developed by Beijing Jiaotong University in recent years .


  3. Analysis of the Influence of Vehicle Speed on Road Capacity and Countermeasures School of Traffic and Transportation , Beijing Jiaotong University


  4. One is Zhao Lei , a 24-year-old computer science major who graduated in 2008 from Beijing Jiaotong University .


  5. He holds the title of adjunct professor at Zhejiang University , Beijing Jiaotong University and Southwest Jiaotong University .


  6. Hu Siji , a professor with Beijing Jiaotong University , is in his 80s .


  7. Summary : Is there know that the Beijing Jiaotong University , the badminton courts on the latest charges and telephone contact it ?


  8. Zhou Ying , an English major at Beijing Jiaotong University , says that class ties just aren ` t as strong as they used to be .


  9. Things have been even more tense at home for Luo Ruiqi , a19-year-old freshman at Beijing Jiaotong University .


  10. Duan Feng , a graduate of Beijing Jiaotong University has had a boyfriend for three years , but this September her boyfriend will leave for Canada to study .


  11. This high-speed programme is a political project with little economic value , says Zhao Jian , a professor at Beijing Jiaotong University who favours conventional rail rather than high-speed projects .


  12. By analyzing questionary , it sets up an evaluation index system suitable for the current network teaching platform in BeiJing jiaotong university and confirms the power of the index by analytic hierarchy process .


  13. " The job-hopping fever among graduates will destabilize companies and do harm to the long-term development of the companies ," said Zhang Jianrong , professor at Beijing Jiaotong University .


  14. Wang Kai , 23 , a graduate from Beijing Jiaotong University , works for a Beijing-based research institute where he has been assigned to a department in charge of testing electronic devices .


  15. Zhao Lei , a24-year-old computer-science major who graduated in2008 from Beijing Jiaotong University , shares a130-square-foot room with five other people in the village of Xiaoyuehe .


  16. Shi Peihua , a professor at Beijing Jiaotong University , told the state news agency Xinhua that the arrangement eliminates " very long consecutive work days in weeks before or after holidays " .


  17. Shi Peihua , a professor at Beijing Jiaotong University , told the state news agency Xinhua that the arrangement eliminates " very long consecutive work days in weeks before or after holidays . "


  18. The work of this dissertation is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China ( No. 60572037 ) and the Innovation Foundation of Science and Technology for Excellent Doctorial Candidates of Beijing Jiaotong University under Grant No.48013 .


  19. The modules of Beijing Jiaotong University management information system include information management , student assistance , student rewards and punishments , group activities , party building , and thinking evaluation modules , each functional module completes their respective functions through the interaction with the database .


  20. By the way of laying stress on educational practice , such as MBA practice base , weekend forum , taking part in company simulation competition etc. our MBA students'innovate ability has been promoted , we have developed distinguishing feature MBA education of Beijing Jiaotong University .


  21. Li Yi felt his heart breaking into pieces . The 25-year-old traffic engineering major at Beijing Jiaotong University stared at the text message from his girlfriend , who had just broken up with him . It made his already bittersweet graduation even more painful .


  22. Zhang Hongke is a professor of transportation engineering at Beijing Jiaotong University . His recent study into metropolitan commuting trends shows that , in Chinese cities with a well-developed subway system , more than half of people who commute to work use the subway-and a big part of them live quite far away from their workplace .
