
  • 网络Beta testing
  1. 它比许多其他流行的发行有一个开放的开发模式,稳定版本发布前有密集的和频繁的beta测试期。

    It had an open development model long before many other popular distributions , with intensive beta testing and frequent stable releases .

  2. 我理解了发布说明和准确文档的重要性,以及如何管理alpha和beta测试。

    I learned the importance of release notes and accurate documentation , how to manage alpha and beta testing , even how to cut release tapes .

  3. 参与beta测试计划是很棒的经历。

    Being involved in the beta program was a great experience .

  4. 现在需要执行beta测试。

    You now need to run a beta test .

  5. 它在2010年6月发布了HTTPSEverywhere的beta测试版。

    It first released HTTPS Everywhere as a beta test version in June of2010 .

  6. 在一次发言中,Google证实它正对移动网站进行有限beta测试。

    In a statement , Google confirmed that it is conducting a limited beta to test AdSense for mobile .

  7. 我参加了这个功能的beta测试,新特性确实让我非常兴奋。

    I was in the beta program for this function and I am really excited about the new features .

  8. 蒂姆:这都是为了寻找潮流的趋势,就像那些beta测试人员和早期体验者一样。

    Tim : It 's all about finding the trendsetters , the people who are beta testers and early adopters .

  9. 我也参加了它的beta测试。除了节省空间之外,压缩还可能提高系统的速度。

    I was also in the beta for this , and besides saving space , compression may speed up your system .

  10. 我期盼/希望截至2008年一季度,能够出来第一版,或者至少是个开放的公共beta测试版。

    I expect / hope to release V1 , or at least an open public beta , by the end of Q12008 .

  11. 随着微软发布更多信息,并且把beta测试版公布于众,很多问题都有望得到解答。

    Hopefully as more information is released and the beta is released to the public , many of the questions will become answered .

  12. Walkzee已经在美国各地的100多个收容所进行了数个月的beta测试,他们希望今年秋天该服务能够正式面世。

    Walkzee has been in beta-testing for several months in more than 100 shelters across America and went live to the public this fall .

  13. 根据为下一阶段计划的alpha和beta测试的次数不同,原型的完成程度可以是不同的。

    The prototype may be at different levels of completion depending on the number of alpha and beta reviews planned for the next stage .

  14. 在这次会议上,beta测试客户、顾问和IBM人员做了许多精彩的报告,讨论了内部原理、实现和性能等方面的细节。

    The conference included many great presentations by beta customers , consultants , and IBMers , talking through the internals as well as implementation and performance details .

  15. 我曾经在一家网络公司工作过,该公司将一个产品进行了beta测试,尽管用某一种类型的调制解调器会失败。

    I once worked for a networking company that shipped a product to a beta test even though it was failing with one type of modem .

  16. 但是客户(销售部门)需要及早不断地交付来划定需求优先级、运行beta测试、调整销售流程等。

    But the customer ( sales department ) needs early and continuous delivery to prioritize the requirements , run beta tests , adjust their sales process etc.

  17. Castor的当前beta测试版(我写这篇文章时,该版本为0.9.4.1)不支持在代码生成中进行任何实质的定制,但这种情况有望得到改变。

    The current beta release of Castor ( as of my writing this ) doesn 't support any substantial customizations in the code generation , but that 's changing .

  18. 当前JAXB参考实现beta测试版的许可证只允许用于评估,但当它作为产品发行时,这种情形很可能会改变。

    The current JAXB reference implementation beta is not licensed for anything other than evaluation use , but that appears likely to change when it becomes a production release .

  19. 同时,MII和IBM正在着手完成项目的下一个阶段:浮标将作为支持执行分析并可智能应对变化的分布式平台的beta测试地。

    Meanwhile , MII and IBM are working on the project 's next phase : the buoys will be a beta test bed for distributed platforms capable of performing analytics and intelligently responding to changes .

  20. 你想参加beta版测试吗?

    Do you want to enter the beta test ?

  21. Johnson说,延长的beta项目测试通过了大量的类库。

    Johnson explained that as a result of the server 's extended beta program a large number of libraries had been tested .

  22. 在这种情况下,我们至少做一次beta级别的测试。

    Here , we do at least one review at beta level .

  23. 其用于IE浏览器的版本仍被标注为beta版或是测试版,因为它在同步IE书签时偶尔还会出错,在Vista系统中尤为如此。

    The Internet Explorer version is still labeled a beta , or test , version because it still produces occasional syncing errors , especially in Vista .