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  • abbr.卡塔;计算机辅助记录器捕获分析(Computer-Aided Recorder Trap Analysis)
  1. Application of Carta system in slight tension sizing mill


  2. In Canada , the Magna Carta forms part of the country 's common law tradition .


  3. Many people regard the Magna Carta as the death certificate of despotism .


  4. The practice of law , he says , has not changed " since Magna Carta . "


  5. The Magna Carta has been looked to for inspiration by constitution writers every since .


  6. The Magna Carta established the rule of law . No one , not even the king , was above the law .


  7. Explaining the Internet to someone who 's never been online , is like explaining the Magna Carta to your cat .


  8. For example , there are strong influences from the Magna Carta in the US Declaration of Independence and US Bill of Rights .


  9. Why is the Magna Carta so important ?


  10. The UK felt that prospective Britons should have some familiarity with the Magna Carta .


  11. The highlight for the celebrations will be Salisbury Cathedral , whose Chapter House holds the Magna Carta .


  12. Julia Carta , international celebrity hair and make-up artist , said : ' People are judged by their looks and the first thing people notice is hair .


  13. When people talk about writing constitutions today , they talk about writing a " Magna Carta . " That phrase has become synonymous with constitutionalism .


  14. It would be nice to live in a polis where all citizens have some familiarity with the Magna Carta , but we never will .


  15. A symbol of liberty and human rights , the Magna Carta was originally meant to be a peace treaty between King John and his barons .


  16. But I am not only a charter member of the Argentine Locksmiths'Union , but also one of the principal framers of the Magna Carta of our organization .


  17. The Magna Carta established the principle that the people of England , at this stage represented by the barons , could limit the power of a king , explains a BBC article .


  18. Composition of the CARTA technology system , as well as its application , has been illustrated in this paper . Based on the evaluation of the tube rolling control system , comparison has been made between the two technologies , i.


  19. According to Maxwell Cameron , a professor from the University of British Columbia in Canada , the Magna Carta was a first attempt to write down and formalize the rule of law .


  20. Illuminated manuscripts , author 's drafts , and the originals of documents such as Magna Carta , or the American Declaration of Independence , can never be properly appreciated online .


  21. At a debate on the matter in London , someone asked who in the room had actually read the Magna Carta . Of the several hundred overeducated Londoners present , only two or three raised their hands .


  22. On June 15 , 1215 , one of the most important documents in world history was signed . The document is called the Magna Carta , Latin for " Great Charter , " and was signed by John , King of England , and his barons .
