
美 [ˌkætəˈloʊnjə]英 [ˌkætəˈləʊnɪə]
  • n.加泰罗尼亚(西班牙东北部一地区)(或译卡塔卢尼亚)
  1. Barcelona will be hoping to bring the trophy back to Spain — sorry , Catalonia — for the first time .


  2. Non - melanoma skin cancer in Catalonia . A community - based prevalence study


  3. Yet Mr Zapatero quickly began to discuss a new deal with Catalonia .


  4. Predicting scenic beauty of forest stands in Catalonia ( North-east Spain )


  5. Among other things the proposals give Catalonia 's parliament more control over taxation and the judiciary .


  6. In our country village of huangshan city tree leaves and Spanish Catalonia is a folk sports activity .


  7. I love Barcelona , I love Catalonia .


  8. It cannot be long before an international brigade of Keynesian economists sets off for Catalonia .


  9. Catalonia held its first regional election since being granted more autonomy by the Spanish government under a new statute .


  10. Relating to or denoting or characteristic of Catalonia or its inhabitants .


  11. In 2010 , Catalonia became the second Spanish region after the Canary Islands to ban the tradition .


  12. Located along Spain 's northeastern coastline , Catalonia consists of four provinces , including the regional capital city of Barcelona .


  13. The Italian researcher developed his 3D printing machine at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia in Barcelona , Spain .


  14. A potential trouble-spot is Catalonia , which accounts for a fifth of Spain 's economy .


  15. Health workers in Catalonia , where the PP props up a nationalist government , are also in revolt .


  16. The Romance language spoken in Catalonia in E Spain ( related to Spanish and Occitan ) .


  17. Born in rural Catalonia , he moved with his family to a working class suburb of Barcelona when he was a child .


  18. It is the capital of the Catalonia region , and long a stronghold of movements for Catalan independence .


  19. The point of reference for analyzing the linguistic situation in Catalonia is the language which a person speaks and not their ethnic identity as in China .


  20. Gaudi is an architect who be loved and pride by people of Catalonia and Barcelona whenever living or death .


  21. As a matter of course , this picture became the logo of the Republican Left of Catalonia , which advocates independence from Spain .


  22. Guardiola is now said to be ready to do everything possible to bring Pirlo to Catalonia , and this includes offering Eto'o in exchange .


  23. And would Catalonia be making a bid to take over tax raising powers from Madrid without Spain 's economic crisis ? Then of course there is QE itself .


  24. In Catalonia the language policy is basically aimed at maintaining a bilingual Catalan-Spanish situation and preventing the complete substitution of Catalan by Spanish .


  25. One study by the Statistical Institute of Catalonia showed that , in 2013 , men in the region married at an average age of 33.6 years , compared to 32.6 years for women .


  26. Voters in the Spanish region of Catalonia have backed proposals to grant them greater powers of self-government , making it one of Europe 's most autonomous regions .


  27. One of the most unique regions in all of the Iberian Peninsula is Catalonia , Spain , with its own culture , cuisine and language & Catalan .


  28. At the very least , the SNP is leading Scotland to self-rule in all but foreign affairs – an autonomy comparable to that enjoyed by Catalonia .


  29. As we walk down the central avenue of the mall , the lanky Goldenberg points out the architectural details that mimic small-town Catalonia .


  30. Several global investors are concerned about the consequences for Spanish markets if Scotland votes to secede , as Madrid is contending with a Catalonia separatist movement .
