
  • 网络地方志;地志学
  1. Reliable Analysis of the Solar Eclipse Observation in the Local Chorography of Qing Dynasty


  2. In Ming dynasty , editing chorography career had developed .


  3. In the third chapter this book is compared with Yuan and Ming Dynasty National Chorography ;


  4. Reliable Analysis of the Lunar Eclipse Observations in the Local Chorography of Qing Dynasty


  5. Rethinking of the Discipline of the Chorography of Ancient China


  6. At the same time refers related chorography , inscription and other records .


  7. The book was not recorded in the chorography of Changshu city .


  8. The chorography in the literature of ancient China is the oldest , but also one of the most important categories .


  9. Transition of Main Wild Animals in Hepu Zone since Ming and Qing Dynasty & investigation according to the local chorography


  10. Illustrated the value of chorography ;


  11. Some historical materials which about folk custom , geography , music were recorded by Taoist Chorography , have important value .


  12. Compared with the accurate degree of maps in modern times , most maps have no scientificity in the chorography .


  13. The fourth part wrote American scholars to China the condition of using the local chorography , mainly in the book and the PhD thesis of the using .


  14. With the Chorography of Canton , the paper makes primary searches and explanations about some bridges information in Liangjin .


  15. Part ⅱ summarizes Miao 's achievements in document compiling and discusses his ideas and methods in the compiling of chorography and inscriptions .


  16. Apperence in late Qing dynasty like others , the Xiangtuzhi of Guizhou is effected by Guizhou chorography .


  17. In this paper , the author studied the Hunan chorography as well as some other chorography to investigate the natural disaster and disaster control in Qing dynasty .


  18. Genealogy is an important component of the historical and cultural resources of China , which together with official history and chorography constitute the all history datum in China .


  19. It was also progressed in compiling the chorography as well as studying the inscription on stone tablet and bronze by using file documents in Song Dynasty .


  20. During this period , Taoist Chorography was only wrote by Taoist , and was limited to a few of the famous Taoist mountain .


  21. Each of the three parts has its own systematic structure while interacts with each other , so to bring completeness and fuel the development of the science of chorography .


  22. Overall computation with the modern astronomical program reveals that at most 83 % of the lunar eclipse records of the Qing dynasty in local chorography are reliable .


  23. A great deal of compilation of Guizhou chorography not only reflect historical character of traditional historiography firmly preserving the culture memory , but also build the text world of local knowledge .


  24. In addition , Chang made remarkable achievements in Geography , Chorography , and Contemporary History and so on , which not the focus of paper , only be appropriately presented for structure .


  25. On the other hand , this thesis makes statistical analysis on compilers ' identity and division of responsibility to discover the reason of such phenomenon in the chorography of Qing dynasty .


  26. The basic structure and main contents are : chapter one is the analysis of historical maps especially the maps of chorography . The reason and significance of this thesis will also be presented in this chapter .


  27. His historical thought , including his opinions on nature of historical study and historian accomplishment , and his view formed and his contribution made on biography history , chorography and Genealogy .


  28. The Chorography of Japan is the first systematic classics masterpiece of recording foreign contemporary history in modern times of china , which was praised as " Church for " by contemporaries .


  29. On the basis of the systematically retrieval official history , corpus , Local chorography , inscriptions , etc , the compilation of successive material of Huai sacrifice is finished .


  30. First , clear the basic concepts such as the chorography , local Chronicles , socialist new local Chronicles , the revision , the first round of revision and the second round of revision .
