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Code Composer Studio

美 [koʊd kəmˈpoʊzər ˈstuːdioʊ]英 [kəʊd kəmˈpəʊzə(r) ˈstjuːdiəʊ]
  • 网络码合成工作室
Code Composer StudioCode Composer Studio
  1. The New Generation Integrated Development Environment Code Composer Studio


  2. The design of system software is completed in Code Composer Studio integrated development platform , the flow charts of each module are also given .


  3. The software was first simulated by Matlab programming language , and then was developed and debugged in Code Composer Studio in C and C + + language .


  4. Our Software design part uses the Code Composer Studio 3.3 development platform , through it to carry out simulation and connecting DSP to PC , for debugging and writing .


  5. The hardware-simulation of the fingerprint identification algorithm is accomplished in the integrated software-developing tool CCS ( Code Composer Studio ) .


  6. The paper gives the corresponding arithmetic under the CCS ( code composer studio ) and VC environment , studies the CCS development of DSP code , initialization and allocation of memory .


  7. Build the main program which is able to respond 4 different timer cycle interrupts under the DSP integrated development-CCS ( Code Composer Studio ) and realizes the straight line interpolation and circular interpolation .


  8. Secondly , this thesis makes a detailed introduction to the design flow of audio and video device Mini driver using integrated development environment CCS ( Code Composer Studio ) and DDK ( Driver Developer Kit ) .


  9. Finally , an independent project is executed in the Code Composer Studio . The result is that the LOW_PWR pin is drivened to high level and the processor can be made to enter the deep sleep mode or wake up at appropriate moment .


  10. Combining the hardware , compile the C program under the Code Composer Studio , including serial communication interface initialization program , serial port receiving interruption program , serial port sending program , MODBUS frame processing program , time delaying program , and CRC checking program .
