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  • 网络数据查询语言;数据查询;数据查询语句;数据库查询语句
  1. The design and implementation of a deductive query language : DQL


  2. In this paper , we study the transfer of control over the family business impact on business performance basing on DQL Chemical Company .


  3. Anslysis and Transform to Hydraulic System of DQL 1200 / 1200 · 30 Type Bucket-Wheel Stacker-Reclaimer


  4. Under the macro-acquisition environment , the powerful Fertilizer Chinese Company and the relatively weak DQL Chemical Company were combined in order to carry out a combination of their own development .


  5. So DQL Chemical Company started the merger and acquisition with the Fertilizer Chinese Company , completed transformation of property rights system relying on the power of capital , and became a modern company .


  6. It must continue to develop and grow in the face of more intense competition in the economic globalization today for DQL Chemical Company as a private enterprise . It is an important survival and development way for DQL Chemical Company to merger and purchase .
