Earth Simulator

美 [ɜːrθ ˈsɪmjuleɪtər]英 [ɜːθ ˈsɪmjuleɪtə(r)]
  • 网络地球模拟器;地球模拟者;地球模拟机;地球仿真器
Earth SimulatorEarth Simulator
  1. Measurement and control system for miniature earth simulator based on PCI bus


  2. Earth simulator and Simulation Research Progress


  3. A Temperature Control System of Simple Earth Simulator


  4. Research on a miniature collimating infrared earth simulator


  5. Based on the design of the temperature control system of the simple earth simulator , the high accuracy open temperature control system is discussed in this paper .


  6. A measurement and control system based on PCI bus is developed in accordance with the demands of Light and Pint-sized Earth Simulator .


  7. These are competing technologies ( Earth Simulator , a vector supercomputer , is still among the top10 fastest supercomputers ) .


  8. On the ground , the earth simulator can precisely simulate what the satellite sees about the earth in the space , and required all the performance .


  9. The development , design and realization of the double-cone miniature earth simulator are introduced from mechanics , optics , circuit , software and testing , etc. The theoretical analysis for the selected methods and influence factors are carried out .


  10. Combined with the other ground testing equipment , the double-cone miniature earth simulator will carry out the property and reliability testing for various single machines and satellite-borne computer software on attitude-control system of airship and satellite .


  11. Earth simulator is a parallel vector super-computer which developed by National Space Development Agency of Japan ( NASDA ) and Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute ( JAERI ) and Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology ( JAMSTEC ) .


  12. The Design of Inmarsat-C Mobile Earth Station Simulator


  13. This paper analyzes the earth sensor model , establishs the earth sensor simulator for a precision calibration and introduces the design steps of calibration platform .


  14. The earth angle is the specification for measuring the precision of the earth simulator . The earth angle was tested through experiment . Experiment results show that the earth angle error is less than 0.05 ° .
