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  • n.弗里敦(塞拉利昂首都)
  1. Can you beat it ; there was Graham Greene in Freetown and there was I on the other side of Africa .


  2. Treatment centers in Freetown are still crowded with the sick .


  3. My wallet , my credentials , everything got left in freetown .


  4. The ship took on more fuel at Freetown .


  5. We 'll go back to Freetown and ask Colonel coetzee .


  6. Can the government in Freetown defend itself against rebel attacks ?


  7. The Chinese government is also working to establish an Ebola research center outside Sierra Leone 's capital , Freetown .


  8. Freetown , the capital of Sierra Leone , was once one of the Britain colonial settlements in Africa .


  9. The school now boasts of several graduates , including one young woman who is a seamstress in Freetown , according to Kamara .


  10. This is Freetown , the capital of Sierra Leone on the West African coast , a country still emerging from ten years of war .


  11. Police said the boat , carrying a large number of schoolchildren , turned over late Wednesday in a heavy storm south of the capital , Freetown .


  12. MARTIN : NPR 's Anders Kelto speaking with us from the capital of Sierra Leone , Freetown .


  13. Ofeibea Quist-Arcton , NPR news , Freetown .


  14. Now to NPR 's Anders Kelto in Freetown , the capital of Sierra Leone .


  15. In a hospital ward in Freetown , the capital of Sierra Leone , Fatmata Conteh , 26 , lay on a bed , having just given .


  16. For Pease , living in the roadside village of Blama , a day 's drive from the capital , Freetown , is a far cry from her coastal hometown of San Diego , California .


  17. Koroma said : ' All Sierra Leoneans must stay at home for three days , ' he announced , expanding a previous order for a lockdown in the capital Freetown and northern areas of the country nationwide .


  18. Ebola has reached the capital cities of Freetown , Sierra Leone , and Conakry , Guinea the two other West African nations most affected by the current outbreak but the disease has been more effectively contained in those cities .


  19. This enhanced killer made its first appearance in late August of 1918 , when the Second Wave took off almost simultaneously from three major wartime ports : Boston , USA ; Brest , France ; and Freetown , Sierra Leone .


  20. Ebola has reached the capital cities of Freetown , Sierra Leone , and Conakry , Guinea - the two other West African nations most affected by the current outbreak - but the disease has been more effectively contained in those cities .


  21. concerning attacks , sightings , D / F fixes , and the queries from the Operations , Plans and Trade Divisions in the Admiralty , from Coastal Command and from headquarters in Ottawa , Newfoundland , Iceland , Freetown , Gibraltar and Cape Town .
