Fund contract

美 [fʌnd ˈkɑːntrækt]英 [fʌnd ˈkɒntrækt]
  • 网络基金合同
Fund contractFund contract
  1. The regulation of the fund contract should be extensive , stressing the party 's free meaning .


  2. Fund contract prior contract is incomplete contract , the contract can not be related to the subject of the Fund fully agreed in advance .


  3. A Study of the Existence of Agency Problem in Mutual Fund Contract


  4. In this paper , we , taking a linear mutual fund contract in common use for example , discuss and analyse the existence of agency problem .


  5. Registering the assets in the name of the custodian or the designated agent in accordance with related laws , regulations , as well as the fund contract or the asset pool management contract ;


  6. Since fund contract has become effective , Central Enterprises ETF and Corporate Governance ETF increased a little owing to the short time of being put into market , all the other 5 ETFs have increased tremendously by December 31,2009 .


  7. Therefore we should control and restrict the managers ' and trustees ' behavior , reduce gap of the investment fund contract , construct the third sides of compulsive performing system of the investment fund contract , and build the reputation mechanism to promote the self-performing of investment fund contract .


  8. The corporation fund and contract fund are two governance fund modes .


  9. Security investment funds have tow forms : corporate fund and contract fund .


  10. There have tow legal structures : Corporation Investment Fund and Contract Investment Fund .


  11. With the analysis under the incomplete contract theory and principal-agent theory , there is no such an optimum governance structure for open-end fund either contract style or corporate style .


  12. The second part , including the second and third chapter , puts emphasis on the research of the several modes existed in the true life of corporation fund and contract fund , involves the mutual fund of USA and trust fund of England , Japan and Hong Kong .


  13. The Research of Optimal Fund Management Stimulating Contract


  14. We get the optimal PBF contract and analyze the property of the optimal contract . Thirdly , this paper study the affect of explicit and implicit incentive on risk taking behavior to the mutual fund with PBF contract though a game model which exits a unique mixed-strategy .


  15. Investors purchase and redeem fund according to the contract , In response fund managers should also fulfill their own obligations strictly in accordance with the relevant contract of fund and the regulations .


  16. The assumptions of fund managers ′ incentive contract model are first expounded , and the investment decisions of agents and the design of principal ′ s incentive contract are in detail analyzed in this paper .


  17. The contract of Fund is a kind of contract which is made by the fund sponsor , or funds entrusted to sponsor the main sponsor of the Fund in accordance with the law and the fund managers , trustees , to standardize the use of securities investment fund contract .


  18. He suggested Russian or Western fund managers could be appointed to manage the fund a contract likely to attract vigorous competition .


  19. The main kinds of fund are public fund and private fund , corporate fund , contract fund and limited partnership fund .


  20. The relationship of mutual fund investor and mutual fund manager is a principal-agent relationship , which is mainly embodied in the mutual fund contract .


  21. Open-end fund is the fund shares are not fixed , fund shares may be carried out in the time and place of the fund contract to purchase or redemption .
