• abbr.全球数据字典服务(Global Data Dictionary Services)
  1. At the same time , it will help " enhance the level of China 's participation3 in global economic cooperation " . The GDDS applies to all IMF members , while the SDDS applies to member countries that have or are seeking access to international markets .


  2. The Rapid Maintenance Method of GDDS High Quality Experimental Equipment in Electrician and Electronic System


  3. Under the background of globalization , the government statistical work must link up with the world along with china has joined WTO and GDDS .


  4. This paper summarizes the method in the rapid , effective and overall maintenance of GDDS high quality experimental equipment in electrician and electronic system . The examine and repair thinking of this method will guide the maintenance of electrician experimental equipment in higher education institute .


  5. There is a gap between statistics data of Chinese expenses and receipts in the aspects of characteristics , quality and completion and acquirement of data and the general system of GDDS ( General Data Dissemination System ) , which should be improved in many aspects .


  6. The Gesell development diagnosis scale ( GDDS ) and social life ability scale for children from the infants to middle school students , that was Japanese S-M social life ability scale for intellectual development ( revised edition ) were used to assess the intellectual development of all the subjects .
