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  1. Research on Template Method of GOF in Back Tracing Algorithm


  2. One GoF pattern could fit perfectly in this situation : Chain of Responsibility .


  3. The publication of GOF 's Design Pattern bring the interest about the Design Pattern .


  4. The GoF pattern catalog offers a possible solution for our design challenge .


  5. The Gang of Four ( GoF ) design patterns are also well-known .


  6. The patterns used can be GoF , Architectural , Analysis , or from other areas .


  7. Pattern specifications are the formal , written documentation such as what we find in GoF book and many others .


  8. Since the GoF book was so successful , Addison-Wesley decided to create a series devoted to software patterns .


  9. The paper mainly makes research of representation patterns in J2EE Core Patterns and a few relative patterns in GoF ( Gang Of Four ) .


  10. Combined with JSF framework , it discusses a few patterns of GoF and analyses their context and importance to JSF framework .


  11. For example , according to the pattern catalog , the State pattern is often related to Flyweight and Singleton [ GoF ] .


  12. Finally , the thesis introduces the improvement and realization of priority module . This part uses the new priority strategy , at the same time adopted the idea of Gof .


  13. This procedure produces multivariate linear equations and their associated goodness-of-fit ( GOF ) values and standard errors ( SE ) for LAI estimation .


  14. The Abstract Factory can in turn build on and use the Factory Method implementation , as suggested in Design Patterns : Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software [ GoF ] .


  15. We must thank the Gang of Four ( GoF ) for identifying the23 basic Design Patterns in their book Design Patterns : Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software .


  16. The design pattern framework uses messaging to implement and / or facilitate the implementation of well-known design patterns like Gang Of Four design patterns ( GoF ) and J2EE Design patterns .


  17. " Define a one-to-many dependency between objects so that when one object changes state , all its dependents are notified and updated automatically . "– GoF .


  18. As Mr. Richardson proposed , Mr. Stembridge seconded that Mr. Vincent Van Gof , spelt GOF be accepted as a co-worker .


  19. For simplicity , I have limited my illustration of these pattern relationships to the GoF catalog ; the Also Known As section of the pattern template opens the door to other catalogs as well .


  20. As stated earlier , MDP has been used to implement and / or facilitate the implementation of other well-known design patterns like Gang of Four design patterns ( GoF ), DAO , J2EE Design patterns , etc.


  21. The Glass Optical Fiber ( GOF ) is already dominant in long-haul communications , but there exist several difficulties when applying it in short-haul communications and home networks , such as high cost and inconvenient connection .


  22. AOP is OOP continuing , is GoF design pattern continuing , the design pattern pursues is diligently the transfer and by the transfer between decoupling , AOP may say also is one kind of realization of this kind of goal .
