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  • abbr.休斯—霍尔效应发生器
  1. Therefore the max-plus algebraic method was continuously used to studying HEG .


  2. Success with HEG fracturing pad fluids in Changqing Oil Field


  3. Based on TEG , continuous places and transitions were introduced into HEG .


  4. A simple rapid procedure of preparation for highly purified ovalbumin from heg egg white was obtained .


  5. HEG Electronics assembles mobile phones for Samsung .


  6. HEG Electronics had no immediate comment .


  7. ' Samsung has demanded that HEG immediately improve its working conditions , ' it said . HEG Electronics had no immediate comment .


  8. CLW also alleged repeated use of child labour at HEG , another supplier , but Samsung says it has found no evidence of this .


  9. An illustrative example shows that HEG has more modeling range than TEG , and can model the hybrid dynamic behaviors of a manufacturing system but TEG cannot .


  10. What 's more , the maturation of composition and texture in Shan_2 ~ 3 is much better than that of in Heg .


  11. It said it had demanded that HEG immediately improve its working conditions , and that it would carry out on-site investigations this month of all 105 of its Chinese suppliers .


  12. The research as follows that Shan_2 ~ 3 Member is meandering stream delta facies , Heg and Heg are both braided stream delta facies .


  13. The expressions of cytokines essential for the growth of hEG , namely basic fibroblast growth factor ( bFGF ) and leukemia inhibitory factor ( LIF ), were also examined by RT-PCR .


  14. But based on the follow-up probe by CLW in July and August , not only have conditions at HEG failed to improve , they have worsened , the rights group said yesterday .


  15. As a timed event graph ( TEG ) only having narrow modeling range , a hybrid event graph ( HEG ) was put forward to describe discrete and continuous events in a manufacturing system .


  16. They then introduced the homing endonuclease gene ( HEG ) which makes a copy of itself , ensuring all offspring end up with a copy of it as well into around one per cent of the population .


  17. Audits conducted in August at the manufacturing facility of subcontractor HEG Electronics ( Huizhou ) Co. found ' several instances of inadequate management and potentially unsafe practices , ' Samsung said in a statement .


  18. However , theory-research on HEG is relative backward which corresponds with its practical application . A explicit definition and the classification system of HEG have been not proposed , and related multi-disciplinary landscape plan and design theories have been not combed in its construction .
