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  • 网络高定向热解石墨;热解石墨;高定向裂解石墨;石墨;高定向石墨
  1. Effect of annealing on the transport properties of HOPG


  2. Observation of the Damage on HOPG Surface Induced by Ar ~ ( + 8 ) Ions


  3. Growth and characterization of platinum nanoclusters on modified HOPG surfaces


  4. Investigation of Metalloporphyrin Modified HOPG and GC Electrodes by Scanning Tunneling Microscope


  5. Two self-assembled basic molecular devices , molecular switches and molecular conductive wires were constructed on HOPG surface .


  6. Moir é fringes of HOPG and mica in scanning probe microscopy


  7. The ordered self-assembly of compound 6 on HOPG was observed by STM .


  8. The self-assembly and photopolymerization of compounds containing diacetylene group were studied on HOPG surface .


  9. Investigations of Crack Tip s on HOPG by STM


  10. STM Study of a Self-Assembly Behavior of Phthalocyanine and Bromic Long Chain Alkanes on HOPG


  11. Compared with HOPG , new electronic states appear in the conduction band of graphene because of the weak interaction between graphene and Cu .


  12. The bone morphology in the OVX + Ad hOPG group was improved evidently as compared with that in the sham operated group .


  13. The recent work on pit-templated synthesis of metal and semiconductor nanostructures and metal nanostructure arrays on HOPG is also included in the paper .


  14. We test the whole system and use this system , the structure graphics of the Highly Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite ( HOPG ) and the gold surface are gained successfully .


  15. Carbon nanotubes on highly orientated pyrolytic graphite ( HOPG ) were studied with a scanning tunneling microscope ( STM ) operated at room temperature in ambient conditions .


  16. Nanometer-size monolayer and multilayer pits on highly oriented pyrolytic graphite ( HOPG ) can be used as templates to prepare metal and semiconductor nanostructures .


  17. Damage on surface and in bulk of highly oriented pyrolytic graphite ( HOPG ) induced by variety of heavy ions was studied by scanning tunneling microscopy ( STM ) .


  18. When injected excessive we found a peak around 1140 will be observed , which indicating the beginning of six ring structure destroyed , and also indicates the HOPG began to change into disordered structure .


  19. This new method is used to measure the residual deformation of a mica plate after being irradiated by a Nd-YAG laser , and to determine the residual strain of HOPG under a tensile load .


  20. AIM : To investigate expression in vivo of recombinant adenovirus vector carrying human osteoprotegerin gene ( Ad hOPG ) in rats and its effect in treating ovariectomized ( OVX ) osteoporosis rats .


  21. Shorter , but that of 1 × 1010 pfu Ad hOPG expression lasted for 46 days , so 1 × 1010 pfu was chosen for further trials .


  22. After addition of Mg2 + for incubation , DNA molecules tend to form many loops on HOPG surfaces , which are derived from the crossover of intramolecular and intermolecular chains .


  23. Voltage offset influence of the nanometer lithography of the surface of HOPG ( highly oriented pyrolytic graphite ) and the state of the needlepoint has been inspected by way of STM .


  24. This thesis focused on the synthesis of Pd-Ni nanowires in which the percentage of nickel ranging from 8 % to l5 % on HOPG by electrochemical step-edge decoration .


  25. The BMD in the OVX + Ad hOPG group was evidently higher than that in the OVX + normal saline group ( P < 0.01 ), and even further higher than that in the sham operated group .


  26. The topographic image of boron-sputtered HOPG was taken , and the formation cause of bright dots and holes was investigated by STM in order to observe directly the adsorption state of boron on the HOPG surface .


  27. On the basis of above researches , Pd-Ni nanowires were synthesized successfully on HOPG by electrochemical step-edge decoration under the control of potentiostatic triple-pulse or galvanostatic triple-pulse .


  28. It was explained in nanometer scale that catalytic activity of the GC electrode was obviously higher than that of HOPG electrode for dioxygen reduction . These results show that STM is a powerful tool for modified electrode surface characterizations .


  29. A series of alkyl-substituted 1,3,5-triphenols were synthesized , and their adsorption and assembling behavior on a highly oriented pyrolytic graphite ( HOPG ) surface were studied by scanning tunneling microscopy ( STM ) under ambient conditions .
